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Anggun Chintya Novitasari
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Muslim Perspectives in the Western World: Islamophobia and the Challenge of Integration

16 Juni 2024   21:53 Diperbarui: 16 Juni 2024   22:09 88
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After the Second World War, the Cold War, fought between the Western bloc and the Soviet bloc, affected global geopolitics. In the Middle East, Muslims who wanted political and social change were often frustrated and dissatisfied because Western countries supported authoritarian regimes or secular monarchies. This suggests that the West is an enemy of Islam that imposes unfavourable policies.

Terrorist attacks carried out by groups claiming to be Muslims, such as the Al-Qaeda attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001, have greatly affected people's perception of Islam. Although the majority of Muslims reject and condemn such violence, the media often reinforces the link between terrorism and Islam as a whole. Unbalanced opinions or sensationalism can reinforce poor beliefs and cause more people to disparage Islam.

In a number of Western countries, especially in recent decades, populist politicians have used immigration and identity issues as a way to gain political support. Negative attitudes towards Islam can be reinforced by rhetoric that blames Islam for current social or economic problems. 

Political campaigns based on fears of "Islamisation" or loss of national identity have the potential to exacerbate cultural conflicts. Another factor contributing to the development of Islamophobia is a lack of deep understanding of Islam as well as a lack of direct interaction between Muslims and non-Muslims. Ignorance or misunderstanding of Muslim culture, values and religious practices can exacerbate prejudices and stereotypes.

Islamophobia in everyday life can be seen in verbal discrimination, negative stereotypes in the media, employment difficulties and discriminatory policies, excessive security surveillance, as well as reactions to clothing or religious symbols. This can affect access to worship and religious needs, and can lead to social isolation and anti-Muslim sentiment. Measures that can be taken to prevent Islamophobia include education, intercultural dialogue. Protection of human rights, and rejection of stereotypes and discrimination.
- The Difference between Integration and Assimilation in the Context of Islamophobia
Integration leads to the process of individuals or groups from diverse cultural backgrounds participating fully in the social, economic, and political life of a society while maintaining their cultural identity whereas Assimilation, refers to the process by which minority individuals or groups are expected to adopt the majority culture, often at the expense of their original cultural identity.
- The Importance of Integration for Multicultural Societies in Overcoming Islamophobia
Integration is an important process for multicultural societies that ensures that cultural diversity does not become a source of conflict but a driving force that enriches life together.
The reasons why integration is important for multicultural societies are:
1. Increased social harmony
2. Strengthening National Identity
3. Increased Social and Economic Participation
4. Development of a Rich and Diverse Culture
5. Political Stability and Security

Challenges Faced by Muslims in Western Countries
- Discrimination and Prejudice
1. Workplace
 Unfair treatment: Muslim workers are often treated with suspicion or deemed incompetent simply because of their religion.
 Difficulty praying: Muslim workers do not have enough time and space to pray, or they may have difficulty requesting time off on religious holidays.
 Religious bullying: Muslim students are often subjected to verbal and physical bullying from other students because of their faith, such as insults or physical attacks.
 Harassment by Teachers: Sometimes teachers also show prejudice, such as making negative comments about Islam in class.
 -General public
 Verbal and physical attacks: Muslims are often subjected to verbal or physical attacks in public places, such as on the street, public transport, etc.
 Unfair service: Muslims are often treated badly or turned away from restaurants, shops or other service providers because they wear the hijab.
2. The role of the media in reinforcing negative stereotypes.
   Focus on Violence and Terrorism: the media reports a lot of violent acts committed by individuals or groups claiming to be Muslims.
   Ignoring positive contributions: Achievements and positive contributions of the Muslim community rarely receive equal attention.
- Government Policy
1. Policies that support and hinder integration
   Restrictive policy on religious symbols
   Exclusive education policy (removal of religious education)
2. The impact of anti-terrorism policies on Muslim communities.
   Muslims are often subjected to very strict security checks at airports, borders, and other public places.
Daily Harassment: Muslims often face daily harassment at work, school or in public places because they are perceived as a threat or something else.
- Identity and Culture
1. Challenges in maintaining Muslim identity amidst Western culture
   Discrimination and Prejudice
   Social Integration
   Restrictions on Religious Freedom
2. Conflict between religious values and secularism
The conflict between religious values and secularism, when seen from an Islamophobic perspective, is often associated with negative perceptions of Islam and Muslims in the context of a predominantly secular society.
Efforts to Address Integration Challenges
- Government Approach
By the government not implementing excessive surveillance and control policies on individual Muslims, under the pretext of counterterrorism.
 This often creates a sense of insecurity among Muslims.
1. Policy initiatives that support integration
Incorporate education about Islam into the school curriculum in order to educate people from an early age about Islamic values, religious practices, and the positive contributions of Muslims to society.
2. Best practice examples from successful countries.
Canada has an active multiculturalism policy that promotes recognition and respect for cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity. Canada has an awareness programme to counter stereotypes and prejudices against Muslims.

Case Studies of Western Countries
- America
1. Policy analyses and everyday realities of American Muslims
Muslims in America reflect a complex and often challenging situation.
2. The role of organizations such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations).
   Advocacy and Legal Protection
   Active in Public Education and Awareness
   Active in Media Monitoring
- Australia and Canada
Australia and Canada have different approaches to the integration of Muslim communities, namely:
1.Comparison of integration approaches and the influence of Islamophobia
 Integration with Assimilation Approach
 Security and Migration Policy
 Education and Awareness Approach
Active Multiculturalism
 Awareness and Education Approach
 Legal Protection


This publication highlights the impact of Islamophobia and the challenges of Muslim integration in the West. Islamophobia, in the form of discrimination and negative stereotypes, hinders integration into majority societies. Organisations such as CAIR play a role in protecting the rights of Muslims through legal advocacy and public education. 

Countries such as Canada stand out for their multicultural policies that support the recognition of cultural and religious diversity. To overcome Islamophobia, education, intercultural dialogue, protection of human rights, and rejection of stereotypes are needed. These measures are important to promote social integration and harmony among.

Anggun Chintya Novitasari_20230510127_J_AIK 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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