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Sri Nararia Anggita Damayanti
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"How Does the Existence Of Development In Jakarta Causing Global Warming?"

21 Maret 2018   17:28 Diperbarui: 21 Maret 2018   17:37 415
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Indonesia is one of some development countries in the world. There are many areas of Indonesia that have not been improved at all. Now, one of solutions that shows is to create a plan for a better life: decided to make a sustainable development effort as well as covering the entire life of the Community aspect of Indonesia. Like stated by WCED or World Commission on Environment and Development, that made by United Nation, our common future is a development system that can fulfilling the needs of the present without compromising the rights of the fulfillment of the needs of future generations. That is why, Indonesia as a big development country should be aware and realized to development activities that happened should be followed by a protection for environment.

For the most of community, the important of an environment are just about flora and fauna. However, they don't think that the truth is: environment is a whole life cycle including humans, the cycle of the water and the land, air, and other living beings. In development context, all activities that happened cannot be separated from the environment effect. Development is indeed to do, but, development in a wrong way can damage environment system. We can see the example from the last some decades, there are many natural disasters that happened as effect of the development. That natural disaster such as flood and landslide.

For example, Jakarta. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. Every all central government and an economy centered on Jakarta. All societies go to Jakarta with the purpose of obtaining a better life, but, the truth is they are all in fact be one of the causes of environmental damage by being someone who passes by without purpose. Many people move to the city, then, many buildings were created in the city. This reduces the presence of green fields and pollution-free space.

With an area that is not how, not balanced with a high number of people living in Jakarta. In addition to one of the world's most populous city, Jakarta also became a city with the dirtiest air number 3 in the world. Why? What is the reasons? This is caused by the urbanization that is quicker than other cities. Jakarta was filled by a variety of human activities and all sorts of technology. Transport used every day cause smoke emissions and increase gas CO. in the city of Jakarta. Tall buildings meet every corner of the city of Jakarta. 

All buildings built hundreds of glasses. The glass will reflect light and make the Earth's depleting ozone layer. Accompanied by illegal logging that was so aggressive in Jakarta, this can cause a rise in temperature of the Earth. Next, if see from the groundwater system, Jakarta estimated it will sink in the next few years due to the use of ground water is too much. Therefore, we must be more vigilant in the future. That's an example of the effects of global warming that has begun we feel.

Thus let us move to build this world into a better world. This world need help to turn into a better world. Let's wake up the world to become a valuable treasure for the future. prosperous, happy, and no other problems like global warming which will harm.

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