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The Legend of Air Terjun Songgolangit

17 Maret 2023   15:26 Diperbarui: 17 Maret 2023   15:29 260
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Legenda dan Misteri Air Terjun Songgo Langit | Indonesia Traveler

Many years ago, there lived a young couple. The man from Tunahan village fell in love with a girl from Blucu village, Kembang sub-district. They got married and lived with the wife's parents. one day due to a misunderstanding between the wife and her mother. Precisely in the early hours of the morning, the newlywed prepared food supplies for her husband and parents when they were about to go to the rice fields the next day. Apparently without realizing it, she made a noise in the kitchen. Because of the noise, the mother suddenly said something rude. Without realizing it, her husband heard it, and he took offense. 

Finally, at midnight, the two brides intended to leave the house to move to the husband's place of origin by riding a pedati or cart pulled by an ox. They stopped at Gua Manik, Bucu. After resting, they continued their journey. It was so dark that the cow pulling the cart took a wrong turn. They didn't realize that they were on the edge of a cliff, so they fell into the Air Terjun Songgolangit.

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It is believed that the two brides were transformed into white lions. The cow was transformed into a large rock, and the bamboo used to pull the pedati turned into a large caterpillar. From this hereditary story came the taboo and prohibition between the residents of Tunahan and Blucu villages to establish a relationship, let alone become a married couple, because it was feared that there would be trouble in their households.

Until now, at least seven people have drowned at the bottom of the Air Terjun Songgolangit. In fact, the average victim is a young couple.

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