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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Tarsius Tarsiers in Bantimurung Bulusaurung National Park

25 Oktober 2022   17:57 Diperbarui: 25 Oktober 2022   18:08 88
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Genus: Tarsier

Species : Tarsius Tarsier



Currently, the Sulawesi tarsiers are included in the red list of endangered species as announced by the IUCN. The exploitation of habitat and illegal wildlife trade that occurred at the end of this decade resulted in a mass decline in the tarsier population in Sumatra and other islands. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a field survey regarding the population, taxonomic, genetic diversity and problem mapping. Tarsier protection and preservation must be done immediately; this is a very urgent matter before this species disappears from the earth of Sumatra. 

Not many people know this Sulawesi endemic animal, let alone have seen it firsthand. Apart from the fact that these animals are quite hard to find, there are no ex-situ conservation efforts. The scientific name of this animal is Tarsius fuscus. This species is only found in South Sulawesi. In other areas, for example in North Sulawesi, the species of tarsiers to be found there are different. There are 11 types of Tarsier species in the world and 9 of them can be found in Sulawesi. 

Tarsiers are always spending time in trees, and so they live in forested areas. They are able to live in rainforests, scrub forests, mangroves, and agricultural areas. They are most commonly found in forests that were cut down or damaged, but have re-grown back into complete forests.

Difficulties in conserving tarsiers include their specific feeding habits and specific needs for their habitat, another major difficulty is lack of study for the specific knowledge for each different type of tarsiers.

As there are not a lot of other tarsier conservatories to compare to, I will just mention the improvements to be made in the conservatory to increase the life quality and chances of saving the tarsier population. Tarsiers are very sensitive and get easily stressed when we touch them or hold them in captivity, they will bump their heads as a response which will lead them to their death because their heads will crack due to their thin cranium, for this reason, I think it’s best if we give tarsiers wide amounts of space, and avoid letting visitors of the conservatory to come near, for the tarsiers to feel safe.

My ideas for preserving Indonesia's biodiversity:

I think we can help make the ecosystem better for endangered animals by adding an Artificial Ecosystem to ex-situ and in-situ conservation to replace damaged ecosystems or to better replicate the ecosystem from which the ex-situ animals are taken from, to let them feel safe and comfortable with man-made surroundings similar to their former home.

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