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Andrian Pramudya
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E-Book Chapter - The Global Trade Environment

22 Juni 2023   20:24 Diperbarui: 22 Juni 2023   20:39 279
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Dian Arya Jaya (2020-119), A.Atiful Khair (2020-125), Yayank Avrilia 2020- 130), Andrian Pramudya (2020-352)

Universitas Muhammdiyah Malang


The global trade environment has undergone significant changes in recent years, driven by technological advancements, political events, and shifts in consumer preferences. As a result, businesses operating in international markets must navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic landscape to remain competitive. This paper provides an overview of the current global trade environment, highlighting key trends and challenges facing businesses. It explores topics such as the rise of e-commerce, the impact of trade disputes, the role of international organizations in shaping trade policies, and the growing importance of sustainability and social responsibility in global trade. The paper concludes with recommendations for businesses seeking to thrive in the rapidly evolving global trade environment.

Keywords:     global     trade,     e-commerce,     trade     disputes,     international organizations, sustainability, social responsibility.



Globalization is a social process that results in geographical restrictions in socio-cultural conditions that become less important, incarnated in human consciousness (Rhoni Rodin, 2020). Globalization has drastically changed the production model of multinational companies which originally tried to produce all their needs as production specialization. Therefore the world/international business must really be practiced in this global era. International trade itself is understood as one of the ways countries can meet their needs, especially for very important goods such as fuel, minerals, or electronic machinery. However, services are not only goods but also goods sold in international trade. International trade is trade by the government for residents between countries where there is a profitable process of exchanging products and services (Bonaraja Purba, 2021). This International Business means that international trade is closely related to finance. (M. Rafiqul Islam, 2020). Today's global trade is very important. In addition to free trade and economic globalization, it is also realized that no country can fulfill its needs without trading. Trade relations between parties in two different countries are generally carried out in the form of exports and imports according to (Eddie Rinaldy, 2020).

At the country wide stage, trade outbreaks constitute roughly the whole percentage of production trapped throughout countrywide borders, as well as the wide variety of jobs in countries that rely upon foreign exchange. At the worldwide degree, exchange represents the proportion of all global production this is used for imports and exports among nations (Brady, David, 2020). From those international change sports, financial family members are formed between cooperating countries. There are three types of economic members of the family amongst which can be as follows. 1. there may be an alternate of output or effects received by means of a rustic with different nations which have mounted cooperation. 2. The formation of financial members of the family in the shape of receivables that arise among international locations. three. there has been an change of manufacturing flows and an change of production facilities (Wahono, 2021). The drivers of international exchange are differences in natural assets, technology and technology, overproduction that calls for business enlargement, citizens of different nations having an hobby inside the identical product, and expanding markets (hamid A.h, 2020), and eventually the inhibiting issue is the change price. exceptional countries, global economic policies, conflicts in a rustic, export and import sports that take too lengthy.

Therefore, there are many reasons why we as students need to study the economy and global trade environment. This reason according to (Suherman Rosyidi, 2022) that the goal is to train so that someone can develop their creativity to be able to do business both locally and globally. By studying international trade, we will know various theories related to international trade and business that can be used to analyze the conditions of economic and business relations that occur between one country and another (Eddie Rinaldy, 2020). Other knowledge, for example related to the international monetary system, international finance, international investment and balance of payments, can be used to assist the analysis. The factor of international trade is also a big influence for each country to be able to highlight its comparative advantage in order to be able to compete in the international world, of course this must also be supported by good political conditions so that export-import activities run according to a country's economic targets (Kartavinata , 2021). Proponents of the concept of standardized global trade believe that the world is developing to become increasingly equal in terms of regional environment and the behavior of its customers, they do not care where their consumers come from (vrontiis and tassou, 2022). For this reason, for students who have the possibility to work in a company that carries out international trade or business activities, knowledge related to international economics and business will be very useful.


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