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Andrea ValerieManik
Andrea ValerieManik Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga

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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Melting of Permafrost Ice in the North and Its Relevance To Climate Change

6 Juli 2022   19:45 Diperbarui: 6 Juli 2022   20:02 469
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Bykova, A., (2020). Permafrost Thaw in a Warming World. The Arctic Institute's Permafrost Series Fall-Winter 2020.

IPCC. (2013). The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of working group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 996.

Mulhern, O., (2020). What is Permafrost and How is it Emitting Methane?

Obu, J. (2021). How Much of the Earth's Surface is Underlain by Permafrost?. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(5), e2021JF006123.

Romanovsky, V. E., dkk., (2010). Thermal state of permafrost in Russia. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 21(2), 136-155.

Schuur, E. A., McGuire, A. D., Schdel, C., Grosse, G., Harden, J. W., Hayes, D. J., ... & Vonk, J. E. (2015). Climate change and the permafrost carbon feedback. Nature, 520(7546), 171-179.

Schuur, E. A., & Abbott, B. (2011). High risk of permafrost thaw. Nature, 480(7375), 32-33.

Tarnocai, dkk., (2009). Soil organic carbon pools in the northern circumpolar permafrost region. Global biogeochemical cycles, 23(2).

The Arctic Institute (2020). A Blessing and a Curse: Melting Permafrost in the Russian Arctic. Terbit 3 November 2020.

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