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The Influence of Journals on Stress Management

31 Desember 2024   17:00 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2024   17:00 56
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Stress has become a common phenomenon in modern life, according to Kupriyanov & Zhdanov (2014) stress has become one of the characteristics of today's life. Everyone, in the workplace, school, or family environment, must have experienced it. Stress can be experienced by various age ranges, from children to adults and the elderly. However, problems arise when a person faces high levels of stress, which can have an impact on physical and mental health conditions (Lumban Gaol, 2016). Research shows that stress contributes 50 to 70 percent to the onset of diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and various skin diseases and infections. When a person experiences severe stress, signs such as fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite, memory difficulties, confusion, anxiety, decreased sexual desire, and digestive problems can easily appear (Musradinur, 2016).

Pratiwi, et al. (2016) mentioned that the stress experienced by a person can be controlled by the individual himself because it depends on how the individual perceives or interprets it. Therefore, the choice of stress management depends on the individual. Some people suggest talking to others as an initial treatment for the stress experienced. But in reality, not everyone feels comfortable sharing their stories with others. In this case, journaling can be an alternative to overcome the stress that is being experienced. Journaling is also commonly used by psychologists to help clients gain personal understanding. According to Fakhri, et al. (2023), journaling has resulted in positive changes for 7 out of 10 drug addicts at the BNN Baddoka Rehabilitation Center who were the subjects of this study.

Journaling is an activity done to express ideas, thoughts, or emotions in the form of writing, even pictures, either digitally or manually. According to Very Well Mind (2023), when we start writing about our thoughts and feelings, we unwittingly have the opportunity to change our perspective. From seeing problems as something depressing and stressful, to something manageable, solvable, and less anxious. When we journal, it is as if we are detaching ourselves from our thoughts, and this helps us see our thoughts from a different perspective. This activity helps in re-evaluating our lives. Writing about stressful or traumatizing events can help us understand the moment better. While journaling does not directly solve problems, it can help us get to know ourselves and guide us to find solutions to our problems. (Tugu Insurance, 2022;  Hasina, 2022; Limbong & Nguyen, 2020)

Writing about thoughts and feelings can also cause a decrease in the autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular activity, similar to relaxation responses. This can be explained by the suppression theory, suggesting that holding onto emotions and thoughts tied to traumatic experiences can accumulate stress within the body, increasing physical responses. If a person continues to think about the traumatic event for a long period, the person becomes constantly depressed and feels socially threatened. Therefore,  expressing these thoughts and feelings in writing can gradually reduce the pressure you feel and improve your overall well-being (Pennebaker & Smyth, 2016).  

Journaling comes in many varieties: bullet journals, gratitude journals, calendar journals, and drawing journals. However, there is no need to be bound by any standard. When starting a journal, there is no need to expect too much or look for special meaning. Journaling only needs to be meaningful to the writer. Start with simple things that suit the way you express your emotions. This can be writing stories, poems, rhymes, making songs, drawing, or any other way you like. The tools used are customized to the writer's liking, preferably choosing tools that are simple and easily available around you and can be incorporated into the routine. You can use pens, pencils, paper, blank documents on your laptop, or note-taking apps on your smartphone. Then, find a comfortable position and place to journal so that all thoughts can be expressed. The key to journaling is the willingness to be open and free in expressing thoughts and feelings. Take about 5-10 minutes to focus on writing down your thoughts and feelings on the prepared media. In the final step, review your journal and begin to explore each feeling, story, and detail recorded. Do this at least twice a week if writing every day is not possible. According to experts, consistency is the key to reaping the benefits of journaling. Over time, the journal you write may lead you to a deeper understanding of your current relationship, mistakes, stressors, and coping mechanisms. (Crawford, et al., 2021; PsychCentral, 2022; Healthline, 2022; Insider, 2022)

From the previous discussion, it can be concluded that journaling is not just a writing activity, but also a way of self-expression that can help to cope with stress, change your perspective on problems, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Consistency in exploring our thoughts and feelings through journaling provides great benefits to our mental and physical health. Nurturing a healthy mind with a routine that prevents stress is essential. Journaling can be a new routine in your daily life, but if it no longer helps you cope with the stress you are experiencing, you should seek professional help, for example from a psychologist. Self-awareness is a signal to seek expert help.


Kupriyanov, R., & Zhdanov, R. (2014). The Eustress Concept: Problems and Outlooks. World Journal of Medical Sciences, 11(2), 179-185. doi: 10.5829/idosi.wjms.2014.11.2.8433

Lumban Gaol, N. T. (2016). Teori stres: Stimulus, respons, dan transaksional. Buletin Psikologi, 24(1), 1--11. doi:

Musradinur. (2016). Stres dan Cara Mengatasinya dalam Perspektif Psikologi. Jurnal Edukasi, 2(2), 183-200.

Pratiwi, J. S., Anward, H. H., & Febriana, S. K. T. (2016). Hubungan antara Persepsi terhadap Kebisingan dengan Stres Karyawan. Jurnal Ecopsy, 1(1), 38-41. doi:

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