Mohon tunggu...
Andika SatriaPutra
Andika SatriaPutra Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

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Me and The Broken Building

16 Desember 2022   17:36 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   17:39 144
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            "Hello, I'm Jenny. I am also a freshman. I'm in class A. what about you?". She asks Again.

            "Oh, I'm in class C, right in front of your class". I reply with a smile.

            "Waw, nice to meet you, John. But I'm sorry I had to rush into the classroom". She says with a panic face.

            "Well, but will you meet me in the park later in the afternoon?". I ask again nervously.

            "Ok, I'll see you later". she speaks.

            "Fine, I'll wait. Bye". I say as I walk away.


            I go to class with a sense of pleasure and a passionate heart. I study seriously because I feel good. Class is over and I hurry to the park. I am waiting for her with a smile like a crazy. And she's coming.

            "Hi, have you been waiting for a long time?". She asks with smile at her beautiful face.

            And I replied with a thumping heart. "Oh, not at all".

            We chat about today's lesson. And unconsciously the clock is already showing 3:10 p.m. And she says that she has to go home.

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