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Andhika Farhan Mahadi
Andhika Farhan Mahadi Mohon Tunggu... Pelajar Sekolah - Mahasiswa

International Law Student, Universitas Indonesia



Ilmu Sosbud

Implementation of Health Insurance Policy: How Important is Having a Health Insurance

10 Juni 2022   18:20 Diperbarui: 10 Juni 2022   18:47 165
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The resident population of the United States was estimated to be around 300 million by the end of 2006. Around 250 million people had health insurance of some kind. The key word here is "approximately." Health insurance can be obtained from a variety of sources. Many of them have access to multiple sources and, in some cases, coverage from multiple sources. Furthermore, they may not have coverage for the full year, and there is no central database of who has what kind of coverage for how long. As a result, a person living in a two-earner family may be covered by both, only one, or neither. A retiree may have both Medicare and a commercial supplemental insurance policy. Although an early retiree may not be eligible for Medicare, he or she may be covered by a prior employer or have obtained private coverage. A college student may receive coverage via her parents as long as she is enrolled full-time, but coverage may lapse if she quits a class tomorrow.

The concept of social health insurance first developed in Europe in 1883. At that time, Chancellor Otto van Bismark obliged all workers to join the Sick Fund (zieken fond). Van Bismark argued that the population should get its rights even in difficult times, not from donations but rather from its own contributions. The state must also ensure that workers' rights are fulfilled, not only in terms of financing treatment or treatment but also in lieu of wages lost due to inability to work due to one disease. Even so, this obligation ends up only being applied to high-end workers (white collar).

According to the Global Medical Trends Survey 2018, medical cost inflation in 2018 globally reached 7.2%. This of course resulted in an increase in health insurance users aimed at alleviating their medical costs in the unexpected future. The number of insurance companies in Indonesia is always increasing every year. In 2012-2016 there was an increase in insurance and reinsurance companies from 140 companies to 146 companies, an increase in insurance support companies from 205 companies to 237 companies, as well as an increase in gross premiums by an average of 19.8% per year or around Rp361.78 trillion.[12] Even though that is the case, the government must still level the opportunity for people who want to exercise their right to claim the Health insurance they have, because it is a written and inevitable right of the people.


Things that I can conclude from above is health insurance is a means for financing a person's health care expenses. While the majority of people have private health insurance, primarily through an employer, many others obtain coverage through programs offered by the government. In their life, every human being will face risks. Risk is an unpleasant or harmful or harmful consequence of an act or actions. Insurance is a device prepared by a group of people to deal with adverse events that in the event of a loss burden can be spread throughout the group. The legal bases governing insurance and health insurance are the Civil Code, the Trade Law, and Law Number 3 of 1992 concerning Labor Social Security.

The government must still level the opportunity for people who want to exercise their right to claim the health insurance they have, because it is a written and inevitable right of the people. Because health insurance can make you have immediate access to care in the event of an accident or a specific sickness, such as cancer, offers you protection against excessive and unexpected medical costs and minimize costs if you or a family member becomes unwell  

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