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Blessing Dan Spam di Kompasiana

15 September 2011   23:17 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   01:56 359
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Melanjutkan tulisan Afandi Sido, "Serangan Spam ke Kompasiana" Kami, tim investigasi independen cengengesan kembali membuat penelusuran tentang Blessing yang telah mengirim inbox-inbox spam kepada para kompasianer. Salah satu dari tim kami berbalas surat elektronik dengan Blessing dan inilah surat terakhir yang kami dapatkan.

Hello Friend, Compliments once again and thanks for replying my last mail to you ,in fact your mail sounds good ,please i will like you to tell me more about your self as well your intention towards me if you do agree towards helping me out of this or for relocation because where i am at present,i do not find joy of my life.To tell you about myself however, I am Miss Blessing Frances, 25 years old, the only outlive Child of my late parents Dr/Mrs Jonathan Frances, from Ivory coast, I am 5.5 tall, but i am presently in Dakar Senegal under asylum as a refugee, due to Attacks by both government and rebel forces continued throughout the year, including major ''an airy '' bombardments and ground attacks launched by the government in City in February 2008.I am open minded person ,easy going girl,confident,hard working,caring,always stand by my word.I am seeking for someone who is honest, trustworthy that could be entrusted no matter where he comes from and his orientation, I am single never married and active and my hobbies are going to beach ,cooking,watching sports etc,then my turn on are truthfulness and honesty,while my turn offs are lies and cheating, please I would love to chat with you but in the camp we are not allowed to do so,because we make use of the Reverends Computer here in the camp.I don't have any relatives now whom I can share my feelings with,all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war, Only with some others girls who are also with us in the women hostel.I want to go back to school to complete my studies because I only attended my Second year in the University, before the tragic incident that led to my being in this situation now took place. Please i will like you to be attentive to this, I know this will be surprising and should be too early to discuss such with you, but never mind is due to my condition and I wish to evacuate from this painful state which is my aim of contacting you with a long term relationship, my late father left some valuables behind,and with a huge amount of money in a leading Bank, using my name as his next of kin. The bank name I will disclose to you later as we proceed, and all the documents regarding to this fund other things are with me but I gave them to Reverend David for safety. Before we shall claim this fund I need to introduce you to the bank as my partner, my father left other information and instruction to the bank. My late father deposited this fund with condition that this money can be released to me when I come up to the age of 27 or if i present some one as my partner before the money can be released. The amount in question is $ 2.5 (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars). So I will like you to help me in claiming this fund .I kept this as a top secret to people in the camp here, the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me. Reverend David Patrick. Dear you can speak with me to know and discuss more about this with me OK, you can call me via this phone number.. (+221 766475871) is the phone number of the Reverend any time you call tell him that you want to speak with Blessing, in room 27 women hostel and he will send for me OK. So in the light of the above I will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone because I am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people get to know about it. Remember I am giving you all this information due to how you sounded in your mail to me,and with the trust and love I deposed on you. I like honest and understanding people, truthful and people with vision, truth and hard working. Mean while I will like you to tell me your intention towards helping me out because like I said I have some feelings to share with you. Have a nice day and remember that there is some one out there to be helped dear. Awaiting to hear from you soonest, Thanks and God bless you. Love From Blessing. Membaca kembali isi surat elektronik tersebut, mengingatkan kita pada model-model penipuan dunia maya. Di mana sang pengirim e-mail akan menceritakan tentang harta yang tidak dapat dicairkan dan akan meminta bantuan kepada kita untuk ikut membantu mencirkan harta yang ada.  Dalam dunia maya, isu-isu seperti ini bukan hal baru. Sudah banyak korban berjatuhan dengan model penipuan seperti ini. Diharap kepada teman-teman komapsianer lainnya untuk lebih berhati-hati menanggapi berbagai inbox yang dikirimkan oleh Blessing.

Selain mendapatkan surat balasan dari Blessing, kami juga berhasil mentracking IP adress yang digunakan oleh Blessing. Dan inilah capture yang kami dapatkan.

[caption id="attachment_130310" align="aligncenter" width="168" caption="Hidup sufah susah, Jangan dibikin susah, Muka keriput cepat tua,mending awet muda, Tapi jangan suka-suka, Nanti orang tak suka "][/caption]

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