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Ilmu Sosbud

DH Lawrence, The Early-20th-Century Novelist Focusing in Exploring the Human Condition

30 Agustus 2024   14:44 Diperbarui: 30 Agustus 2024   14:59 38
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David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was a popular novelist known for exploring modern concepts in social, human relations, sexuality and even politics. Being born in a coal mining village, Lawrence understands the working class as well as the process of industrialization that was taking place.

His books like, "Sons and Lovers," "The Rainbow" or "Women in Love" and others focused on the characters' emotional and psychological development. He was known to be very open about sexuality and issues such as Victorian morality. He rejected customary mores and expectations in many of his works and was thus both revered and respected and demonized.

David Herbert Lawrence's life was spent striving for both personal and artistic satisfaction. In life, a young man with constant nearness of coal-mining can not but write which defines these coal-mining regions. But over the years, Lawrence began to feel that his background was holding him back and wanted to move beyond the limitations set.

He searched for a change of location in places such as Italy, Australia, as well as Mexico. He was able to expand his mind and write using different cultural aspects. Lawrence did well for himself; however, his life was at the same time very chaotic and primarily characterized by health.

One of his work, Women in Love is, a brilliant and wily unit of and about complex human relations which also provides a deep treatment on the questions of sex and the need to live with a purpose. The main character of the fact is represented by two sisters Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen who become acquainted with love, family and responsibilities in regards to the society in the England of the early 20th century.

Similar to the well delivered narrative in his other works, Lawrence's works have been as equally animated and suggestive subjecting readers to issues of love, jealousy and relevantly the bounds of gender naivety. Each protagonist of the novel is well constructed and her mental conflicts revealed by means of exceptional world honest.

It must be acknowledged that for some of the readers, the novel will come off as rather explicit and even graphic. To some, such a depiction would dab into the contemporary understanding of sexual identity and sexuality. Women in love is a complicated work that elicits thought and emotion from the readers to this day.

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