Most students in school do not realize the importance of homework for their learning process. Homework is very important because it becomes a connector between home and school, and allows students to study at home as well. Homework can increase understanding of the material being studied and train students' sense of responsibility for something that is given to them.
In fact, homework has many concerns such as a place to check students' understanding, help students manage their time well, teach students to be resourceful, and many more. The purpose of the homework itself is to consolidate or reinforce classroom teaching and learning or to assist in the process of formative assessment.
However, sometimes teacher gives too much homework so that students are already reluctant to do homework and just do it because of formality, not doing it because they want to learn. This essay explains how homework is very important for students.
The first reason why homework is important because it is used to check students' understanding. According to the Singaporean Cognitive Development Learning Center, if homework is carried out sustainably it will provide stronger reinforcement regarding study material and will allow stronger retention of information in their minds and make learning more efficient.
As explained by SCDLC, homework makes students stronger in understanding the learning material in class. For example, if students get math homework then they will automatically work on a material that is taught in class, if they don't understand the material then they will study the material again.
This is what homework is said as a tool to check students' understanding, if they don't understand then they will learn and practice more at home. Because the purpose of homework itself is to strengthen teaching and learning in school. In other words, if students do homework, then they will make their understanding more solid because they practice at home.
The second reason why homework is essential for the students because it will train the student to manage their time well. According to Nord Anglia Education, homework helps students take control of their workload and increase their time management skills. Homework is set with a deadline and taking ownership of this deadline.
Nord Anglia Education explains that homework will help students to manage their time better, and this will make them accustomed to managing their time until whenever. Students can arrange which is more important to do between one homework and another homework.
As a sample, math subject has a deadline on Wednesday while biology subject has a deadline on Thursday, this will allow students to manage their time, for example on Tuesday they will do their math homework and on Wednesday they will do their biology homework. To put it simply, students will get used to managing their time because of the homework that makes them similar to managing their time and making decisions about what homework they prioritize first.
The last thing that I want to discuss here is how homework teaches students to be resourceful. According to the Singaporean Cognitive Development Learning Center, students have to learn how to use available sources of information at home such as the internet and books, this also improves their research skills and exposes them to a wider range of learning through the usage of additional materials.