In language, "morals" comes from the Arabic word "khuluq" which means behavior or character. Whereas in terms, morals refer to the system of moral and ethical values that regulate a person's behavior in living everyday life. includes aspects such as honesty, loyalty, compassion, good attitude towards others and others.
Morals according to famous figures can be interpreted differently but have almost the same meaning, for example as follows:
- Aristotle; In ancient Greek philosophy, Aristotle put forward the concept of ethics and morals. For him, morals are good habits that shape a person's character, and the goal of life is to achieve happiness through a good and moral life.
- Immanuel Kant; This German philosopher emphasized the importance of actions stemming from moral obligation. For Kant, morality lies in good intentions and actions that conform to universal moral obligations.
Why should we be moral?
Of course, being moral will build harmonious relationships with other people or groups, create a positive environment that can certainly strengthen moral values in society itself. So by being moral, we can develop each human being into a person who is honest, responsible, and cares about the common good in order to build a developed society.
What is an organization?
An organization is a structured entity, which can consist of individuals or groups that have a common goal or mission that is achieved through cooperation within the organization itself.
Organizations have various definitions, here are organizations according to some famous figures:
-Max Weber: Sees the organization as an entity that has a hierarchical structure, with clearly defined authorities and rules.
-Chester Barnard: Sees an organization as a social system that includes cooperation between individuals to achieve a common goal.