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Terjemahan Buku Tuanku Nan Renceh Pada Halaman 3-20

Diperbarui: 13 September 2024   14:41

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Each custom built and owned a house on Bukit Panjang. The location where they lived at the top of Bukit Panjang was named Ubun-Ubun Bumi. Here there are still tombs and mejan/menhir stones. With thorny aur as a village fence. Then the Ubun-Ubun Bumi area became more crowded. The community here is governed by the application of two customary systems, namely Koto Piliang, Datuak Katumanggungan and Bodi Chaniago Datuak Perpatiah Nan Sabatang

*Nagari is an administrative division after the sub-district in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Nagari is a legal community unit that has boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage the interests of the local community, based on origin and customs that are recognized and respected in the system of government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

*Nagari is a collection of several Jorong/Korong that have the same goals and principles. Nagari is led by a Nagari Wali.

*Etymologically, the word nagari comes from the Sanskrit nagarom which means homeland, land of origin, or birthplace. Other forms of this word include nagara, negara, negeri, nagori, nogori, nogoro.

 Nagari was safe and secure, livestock continued to grow and the population continued to grow, so it was decided to go down, to the foot of Bukit Panjang. This was done to find new land for a new settlement. As a result of the consensus at that time, two groups were made to move to the new area. The first group went down to the north, and the second group went down to the south. The water flow in the town in this area flows from north to south, so the north is called Mudiak and the south is called Hilir.

When the group first came to Mudiak, there were no taratak, dusun or nagari. There were seven people who came at the beginning. They were seven niniak (tribal chiefs) with seven different tribes or clans. At the beginning of their arrival they settled in the area at the foot of Bukit Panjang to the north. Here they looked for a suitable area or land to settle. Starting with making a consensus to design, malateh, manyusuak, manaruko, that's where the twigs are broken, sumua is dug, ditches are stretched, aur is planted, then the area is named taratak and hamlet. The Mudiak region was later also called Nagari Bukik.

*Initially this area was named Nagari Bukik, then around 1916 it was changed to Nagari Surau Koto Samiak. And after 1949 it was named Nagari Kamang Mudiak.

they developed livestock businesses such as raising buffaloes, cows, horses, goats, ducks and chickens, The number of families continued to grow. For this reason, a hall with a mosque was built on the land that had been prepared, this area is now called Kampung Bansa. There was an agreement that the application of adat and syarak would go hand in hand. For this reason, a general meeting was held for everyone. They gathered in the surau/mosque. The community heard and listened to the discussion about the study of adat with syarak, on that basis then this nagari was named Nagari Surau Koto Samiak. Samiak comes from Arabic which means listening.

The boundaries of Nagari Surau Koto Samiak are mudiak Bukit Pancuran Saga Buruak to Tujuh Lurah. Downstream to Padang Sikaduduak to Bukit Siamang Berbuai. After establishing the boundaries of the area, then came another consensus of the seven tribes to find their respective places and areas. So they chose a good and beautiful place to be used as an alliance land and village. Some of them traveled to:
1. Batu Putih Village.
2. Pauh Village.
3. Koto Kaciak (Aia Tabiak) Village.
4. Halalang village.
5. Babukik village.
6. Babangsa village.
7. Padang Kunyik Village

Nagari Surau Koto Samiak has seven traditional tribes. Each tribe is divided into bahinduak or baniniak. The highest leader in adat is the niniak induak. When a feast is to be held or a title is to be confirmed, a consensus is reached between the niniak induak and the baniniak induak. If permission and agreement are obtained, the event can then be held.

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