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Yulio Hady Permana

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Differences in Science, Religion and Philosophy

Diperbarui: 22 Desember 2019   06:44

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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock


Etymologically(the origin of the word) philosophy comes from the greek word pilia(love) and sophia(wisdom). So in terms of the etymological meaning of this term mean love in wisdom.

Understanding philosophy in outline is the science that underlies of human thinking seriously to find a truth that is then used as a view of life. while specifically philosophy is an attitude or action that is born from one's awareness and maturity in thinking things through by looking at everything from various point of view and their correlations.


Science comes from observations, studies and experiences arranged in a system to determine the nature and principles of what is being studied. Thus science can be said to be scientific knowledge. Knowledge that has been systematically compiled to obtain a truth. science is certain. exact, organized and real.


Religion according to the big indonesian dictionary is a system that regulates the rules of faith(belief) and worship of god almighty and rules that relate to the association of humans and humans and their environment


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