Nama : Yona Maygita
NIM : 21019066
24 JJ I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Title of Book : Tuanku Nan Renceh
Teks Asli :
Karena itulah makna renceh dalam bahasa Minang Tuanku Nan Renceh dalam kesehariannya diperkirakan pakaiannya seperti pakaian kebanyakan
Dalam kurun periode Perang Paderi, kamera dry atau kamera pelat kering belum tercipta. Jenis kamera ini mulai populer dan digunakan di eropa pada tahun 1857. Sehingga makin yakinlah kita bahwa pahlawan Indonesia yg berperang dimasa Perang Paderi, belum ada yang direkam atau masuk foto. Sebab dizaman itu, kamera belum dikembangkan secara sempurna. Yang ada baru lukisan atau sketsa sederhana. Hal ini perlu saya jelaskan karena dibeberapa media ada kleim, pendapat dan cerita yang menjelaskan tentang adanya foto sosok Tuanku Nan Renceh. Seandainya ada sket wajah atau lukisan berdasarkan cerita dan analisa, itu baru bisa kita terima. Namun untuk sosok utuh beliau dalam foto, lukisan atau sketsa dari sumber primer sejauh yang saya ketahui memang tidak ada atau belum ditemukan.
Teks Target:
Hence the meaning of renceh in Minang Tuanku Nan Renceh in his daily life is thought to be dressed like the clothes of most Paderi followers, with a turban and shaved hair. As described by PJ. Veth in "De Geschiedenis van Sumatra".
During the period of the Paderi War, dry cameras or dry plate cameras had not yet been invented. This type of camera became popular and was used in Europe in 1857. So we are increasingly convinced that Indonesian heroes who fought during the Paderi War, no one has been recorded or photographed. Because at that time, the camera had not been developed perfectly. There were only simple paintings or sketches. I need to explain this because in some media there are kleim, opinions and stories that explain the existence of a photo of the figure of Tuanku Nan Renceh. If there is a face sketch or painting based on stories and analysis, we can only accept it. But for his full figure in photos, paintings or sketches from primary sources as far as I know, it does not exist or has not been found.
note : I did this translation with the help of AI and after that I do the editing.