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Andri Yana

Praktisi HR, Pelatih PBK, Asessor

How to Increase Employee Discipline

Diperbarui: 22 November 2023   14:21

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Worklife. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik


Prepared by       : Mulyana

Present on         : November 11th 2023.


1. Mobile Phone Prohibited at Shop floor

  • Reason for this regulation:
  • To protect employees from accident at work due to careless/human errors
  • To protect employees from disputed due to sharing confidential process or photo against company confidential regulations.
  • To increase company productivity, by employee:
  • Focus on work.
  • No disturbed from using phone/social media.
  • Working follow work instruction.

     IDEA to PROHIBITED HP at shop floor.

  • Company need to have strong commitment while increase disciplinary employees, regarding HP prohibited, Idea regulation on HP prohibited.
  • Make sure several area in shop floor already can support communication from operation to office (internal phone communication).
  • HR will creating the regulation PROHIBITED to BRING HP AT SHOP FLOOR
  • Dealing with Management and all section HOD, and inform to Union in the Communication meeting.
  • Do not forget to deal also the PENALTI if break the rules, and write down in Collaborative MoM.
  • Checking possibility tools need (if any), preparing possibility storage, etc.
  • Socialization the Regulation to all workers by: Meeting, Banner, Gemba Meeting, etc.
  • Additional point checking on HR & HSE Patrol, soft REMINDER if found employee against the rule, if REPEATED, follow agreement PENALTIES.
  • Employees keep HP in employee locker in OFF mode or,
  • Company prepared cell phone cabinet with employee's name in every box. 
  • HP only allowed to use at break time.
  • In case of Emergency communication, All Incoming call/Info from family only can use Company official phone number.

2. How to increase employee awareness to using ID Badge Display.

  • Study safety issue in case using ID at shop floor (dangerous or not?)
  • Discipline by role mode. Remind again all superiors to always using ID card.
  • Announcement ID card usage with dummy employee using standard PPE.
  • Socialization reason why to using ID and Uniforms for all employee.
  • Dealing employees commitment on using ID
  • HR & HSE Patrol.

3. Absenteeism & Disciplinary Action

  • Checking current CLA regarding Absenteeism and Disciplinary action.
  • Preparing regulation follow Manpower Law, reporting to Management for approval.
  • Open negotiation with the labor union and express it in a collective agreement.
  • Socialization the regulation to all employees
  • Step by step delivery messages to all HOD training HR for non HR (because to control Manpower, not only HR section job, but part of JD all superiors)
  • Give rewards and punishment
  • Rewards:
  • Attendance allowance (already have, but amount can be review to study effectiveness)
  • Best Attendance Award: Yearly award, creating certificate award, amount as rewards.
  • Others idea


  • Personal approach with employees
  • Practice coaching and counseling to concerning people to increase self-awareness
  • Punishment Follow agreement, future will be shown on CLA FY 2024.


Problem: in Labor Union Rejection.

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