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How to Get A Teacher's Certification?

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   02:46

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This writing is a sharing experience of the author, over what she recently has heard, seen and undergone during 7 years waiting, struggling for getting a certification.

The word "certification" what I mean here has two meanings. The first meaning of "Certification" is an official recognition to a person for his/her knowledge and skill in teaching which is given by an institution that is competent to give the certificate. "Certification" can also be defined as a process of getting the certificate which means has to pass by following several procedures and being tested at the end of the process.

Many people think that "Certification" is the same as "Licensure". Actually, it is different. "Certification" is gotten voluntarily meanwhile "Licensure" is gotten mandatorily. In Indonesia, you can apply to get it or leave it. It is voluntarily. But in America, it is a must for a teacher to get and to have a licensure for teaching in order to avoid illegal practice of a profession. During the decade prior to January 1, 1998, in Ohio, teachers could apply for provisional, professional of permanent certificate, depending their qualification. According to UU no. 30, 2003 about National Educational System, "Certification" is divided into 3, they are : a certificate of educational degree ( S1,S2 or S3 ), a certificate of competency and a certificate of proficiency.

It is possible that a person who has a high certificate of educational degree such as S1, S2 or S3, but still has to follow a competency test, except he/she has a working experience as a teacher for a certain period, because a professionalism is not enough by mastering the knowledge but also the application of the teaching itself based on "the code of professional ethic". A certification of competency and proficiency in teaching is very important as a legal document and an official recognition that proof the capability of a person in teaching professionally. We cannot deny that this certificate is also significant for the government to make a data base about human resources who have the certification of proficiency in Indonesia, give incentives for the right people who has a standard qualification in teaching. And for the institution where the teachers working, the certification helps the institution to create a professional working environment, to consider in giving  renumeration and carrier. And the last, a certification is very important for a teacher to get an allowance from the government that can improve his/her income, support his/her higher educational degree, and give his/her credibility in his/her profession.

The government guarantees that all teachers who have got certificates of proficiency will get allowances. This allowance must be used to improve their professionalism as teachers, such as joining a post graduate class, courses, or teacher trainings to support their teaching skills so that sooner or later the education in Indonesia will be improved.

There are 3 important points must be considered to get a certification. The first point is the educational degree. If you have got a bachelor degree, and have a chance to continue to master degree,  it is highly recommended. It will make your rank as a candidate of certification keeps on increasing. The second point is a teaching experience. At least you have been teaching for 2 years. If you have been teaching for such a long period, 20 years - 50 years, then your rank will be higher than those who have less teaching experience than you. The third is age. You can apply for a certification as long as you are still active in teaching. Don't feel that you are too old or too young to get the certification. Just try, be patient, because it will be a long journey. One day you will get your turn. Just be optimist!

There are 5 things that you have to make sure to get a certification:

1. You understand the way. There are 3 ways to get a certification. The first is PSPL, means giving the certificate directly for teachers who have S2 or S3 degree and have IV B/C above level. The second is PF, means teachers only give portofolio. It is for teachers who have S1 degree and teaching experiences for 20 years- 50 years above or at least they have IV A level. The third is PLPG, means teachers will have some training for 9 days. It is for teachers who hold S1 degree, IV A level and have at least 2 years - 50 years above.

2. You have only one NUPTK.

3. You prepare all the documents needed as a requirement, such as the photocopy of bachelor degree which has to be legalized by the institution.

4. You do all the selection process.

5. You do it honestly. Being honest in the process of getting a certification is very important. If you are trying to adulterate some documents, you will be disqualified and loose your right to get the certificate forever. If you follow all the procedure honetly and patiently, sooner or later you will get it.  Goodluck!


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