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Distance: You Haven’t Still Realized Yet

Diperbarui: 18 Oktober 2015   15:38

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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Distance is something familiar in our life. Because of it, we may miss many things inside. As far as we experience, it makes us into boredom, tiredness, and time-consuming.

Deeper from those judgments, distance may have beautiful effects for us. Even, it is a must. After breaking insights toward distance, you will think again about the philosophical perspective about it. Don’t be surprised if you realize it true but you haven’t quite learned yet.


The negativities of word “distance” can be tracked from its origin. This word was early expressed in the late of 13th century meaning “quarrel, estrangement, discord, and strive”. The word was derived from Old French “destence” and Latin “distantia”. They meant “standing apart and separate”.

Such stereotypes impact people to refer the word into low grade of someone’s happiness. In fact, the word is used to show measurement and space. The development of age makes it attracted to have wider sense. In 1913, there was announced “parsec” as “interstellar distance” measure. Twenty years before, you referred long-distance as “the term of telephoning”.

Further Distance = Closer Proximity

Every year, each family plans to visit their members and relatives. They plan for visitation because they need social proximity. They can’t meet every day. Living across cities requires right sources such as timing, budget, and healthy. The essential thing is on our commitment to meet each other.

Compare with our relationship. When couples are separated in miles, distance makes them to keep in touch. Today, data-based networking brakes distance. They can use social media or messengers. Those applications allow you to have video call. The distance connects couples. This way is applicable too for family and friendship. Of course, they don’t want to be separated.

In other case, something far stimulates you to know more. Million scientists and researchers from many countries have curiosities toward treasures and Atlantis. They are far, and still, unreachable yet.

According to those phenomena above, it results a thing: Distance makes us closer. The proximity connects in psychological things – your mind and senses.


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