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Vika Dyap


Why People Don't Like Chicken Skin

Diperbarui: 6 Mei 2023   12:20

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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Chicken have very thin skin, the skin is not visible because the chicken skin is covered by dense chicken feathers.

Chicken skin can be processed into food, including skin satay, crispy skin, and can also be used as an additional ingredient in vegetable soup.

They are some people who don't eat chicken skin because they don't really like chewy texture of chicken skin. However, there are also people who tend to prefer dry chicken skin like crispy than chicken with a chewy texture like in vegetable soup. On the other hand there aare also people who do not consume the skin because it contains a lot of fat and they say chicken skin is a source of disease. Because parents usually say that chicken often get injections to make them fat. But for those who like chicken skin, for them it tastes delicious an crunchy.

Chicken skin is cryspy and tasty for those who like it. But if chicken skin is consumed in excess it will be dangerous such as excess body weight because chicken skin contains high enough calories of fat, it can also cause heart disease and stroke.

So, for people who really like chicken skin  don't consume it in excess. Because it's very dangerous for the body. 


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