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Strengthening The Nation's Character as a Defensive Wall

Diperbarui: 19 Februari 2020   23:33

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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

"A big nation is a nation that is willing to appreciate the services of its heroes," more or less the phrase that has been expressed by Ir. Soekarno, the proclaimer and first president of the Indonesian republic. If you look at the implicit meanings contained in these expressions, we are invited to always remember the struggle of the Indonesian people to achieve their independence. In addition, we are also always invited to learn how the heroes are willing to die for the sake of an independent nation. 

When we draw deeper into the spirit of the hero, they all have strong principles and character. They have the principle that this nation will prosper if they are independent and they have a strong character who never gives up even though only with bamboo spears to fight the invaders who have used a gun.

Character or character is the nature of the mind that affects all thoughts, behavior, character, and character possessed by humans or other living things. Without strong principles and character, it is impossible that our heroes could win the independence of the Indonesian people. Therefore it is necessary if the Indonesian nation returns the character of the nation so that the Indonesian nation does not always always see that other countries are better and stronger than us. The character of the nation in anthropology (especially in the past) is seen as a cultural value system and belief that manifests in the culture of a society and exudes outward characteristics so that outsiders can respond to it as a personality of the community.

The Indonesian nation which is an island nation consisting of many islands, of course also has a lot of culture. With so many cultures possessed by the Indonesian people, this makes the Indonesian people have a different character from other countries. This is what must be maintained by all Indonesian people so that this nation does not lose its national character. So this Indonesian people must have a tool as a unifier of all tribes and cultures that exist, but by not leaving the local wisdoms owned by this nation, and the interpreter is called Pancasila.

Pancasila is a distinctive character of the Indonesian nation. Because Pancasila reflects the character of the Indonesian nation which is a collection of diverse / diverse / pluralistic national characters from Sabang to Merauke from Miangas to Rote. That is the reason Pancasila is also called the performance of national identity. But in exploring the values contained in Pancasila, it requires a character education that reflects the values of Pancasila as early as possible since a child before entering the world of education.

Indonesian education should strengthen the character of the nation's children by giving a bigger portion than the portion of other subjects. Because currently in the world of education students do not form their character from the lowest level of education so they may lose their national character. Pancasila as the philosophy of Indonesian life must always be maintained and bequeathed to each generation so that the originality character of the Indonesian nation can always be raised properly.

The Indonesian people have an obligation to maintain the values of Pancasila as the character of this nation. If the character of this nation is always maintained, Indonesia will become a strong country that is not easily swayed by other countries in the world. The values contained in Pancasila contain social values that are dug from the joints of Indonesian people's lives from the time of the kingdoms to the colonial era of colonialism. So that the founders of the nation did not necessarily make Pancasila as the basis and at the same time as the philosophy of Indonesian life. 

Seeing so great the historical value of the Pancasila journey, then it is proper for the Indonesian people today to re-explore the values to re-strengthen the character of the Indonesian nation in accordance with the values of Pancasila. The character of the Indonesian nation based on Pancasila is by applying the values of Almighty God, human values that are just and harmonious, the values of unity, social values led by wisdom in the deliberative representation, and the values of Pancasila which are the last is social justice for all Indonesian people.

Once the values embodied in Pancasila are very unfortunate if not maintained by the Indonesian people, because by eliminating the values of the Pancasila we will lose the character of the nation, and if we lose the character of the nation as we have been colonized by other nations but not colonized physically but morally colonized this nation. 

Of course we all do not want that, so if it does not want to happen to this nation then maintaining the character of the Indonesian people with the values of Pancasila is a must for all of us, not having to depend on the government alone, but all elements and layers of society from the bottom to for must always work together to maintain it all, so that this Indonesian nation becomes a strong nation that has its own character without having to imitate other nations.

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