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Teacher - Elementary School

Ciko's House

Diperbarui: 16 Juni 2021   11:56

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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

I have a friend. He has a house. His house is big snd luxurious. It is also clean.

Ciko's house has five bedrooms, one kitchen and a living room. The bedrooms are large and tidy. The living room is also big and clean. The kitchen is small but clean . There are a swimming pool and garden behind his house. They are large and clean. His servants clean them everyday. Ciko is rich but he is not arrogant. She is good boy. I and my friends like him so much.

Task 10

1. Who (siapa) has a big house?

2. How is Ciko's house?

3. What rooms are there in Ciko's house?

4. How many (berapa) bvedrooms are there?

5. How many living room are there?


Sugeng, Bambang. 2007. Let's Make Friends with English 2. Jakarta: ESIS

Himawan. 2003. Start with English 2. Jakarta: Erlangga


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