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Harry Potter 7 - J.K. Rowling

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   21:39

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27 Jan 2008 My version of Harry Potter review. WARNING: This is a Spoiler. If you haven't read the book: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows and do not put interest in any details of it, you can skip reading this post. So, I've read Pottie's 7th book on the 3rd week after its release. Reading it is different from reading the 6 previous books. Reading it is like going out with a bunch of pirates and trying to find the biggest treasure ever. Treasure refers to THE SECRET that will be revealed at the end of the book. The secret that we've been questioning since reading the 1st book years ago. So, will the secret reveal good news or bad ones? Will we find a treasure box with gold in it or a dead body? When i opened the 1st page, I'm aware at the possibility of finding some emotional story. I'm sure that Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows will have some fun with my mood and feeling. Mrs. J.K. Rowling surely know how to be playful with her readers' mind and heart (ouch!). So, let the adventure begins! In the 6 previous books, Harry's stories reach its climax on the last 1/3 part of it. The same thing goes with the last book, the author still saves the best part for last. The first 15 chapters have a very slow motion progress. You have to wait patiently for the exciting part. This book mixes joy and tears in it. The most exciting part is the mass fight between death eaters and Dumbledore's army at Hogwarts which is sooooooooooo cool. There are so many bloody events, deaths, sacrifices, and loss. All of it must happen just to save Harry's butt and for the greater good as they may say. I cried when I read this book. Yeah, I did and I'm not shame of it! As if crying on Dumbledore's death (Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince) was not shameful enough, I also weep while I'm reading this. ^^” The saddest part is when Dobby died. That poor little house elf shows his dedication to Harry until the last minute of his life. It was so touchy and beautiful. I even almost compare it to Jesus' sacrifice on the holy cross. But, of course I can't. ^^' BTW, Dobby got killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. At first, I only drop a little tear, but when it comes to the part when Harry buried him, I cry a river. Man, it was so sad, you can't blame me for crying, though. Another biggest loss (according to me) is Fred Weasley. He died because of Bellatrix Lestrange too (Arrghh! That psycho bitch got me on my nerve! She could generate hate from everyone. I'm sure, Helena Bonham Carter will play it well in the movie. Can't wait!). Yeah! Can you imagine one of the Weasley twins must die? It's like cutting one of your feet. And the remaining foot,.... i mean twin, which is George, lost his right ear. Very funny! I wonder whether right ear symbolizes his twin? Why does he have to lose his twin and ear in the same day? Poor Georgie. The most shocking part is knowing Severus Snape's love toward Lily Potter. Although I already have some intuition about Snape before, it's still shocking for me to know how much he loves Lily. It explains his dislike toward Harry along the time. Harry is the only thing left from Lily. Harry is a mix between his biggest enemy and his true love. He sees James and Lily, both in one little boy. He can't hate Harry as much as he hates James, because Harry keeps a little part of Lily too. That's why, he does the best that he can do to save what's left from Lily Potter: her son. Yep! Snape also died for Harry. Ironic, isn't it? I also love the part where Harry, Ron, and Hermione breaking in into Gringotts to steal one of Voldemort's horcruxes. The coolest part is: they're escaping on a dragon. Phew! As a fan of happy ending stories, I'm a lil bit disappointed with this book. There are too many lovely people who died, including Tonks and Lupin. Sadly, their baby must grow up as an orphan. Though the book has a happy ending, I believe it could be much better and happier. O well, I just have to deal with it :) If you want to know more about the ending, you can find it in wikipedia. Thanx for a great story, Mrs. Rowling. Thx for sharing your imagination with us and give the world a great story to be told and passed to the next generation. Harry Potter will last for ages, even centuries. Just like Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings and Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. Thx for reading this.


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