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Tri Wahyu Ningtias

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Peran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) pada Kebebasan Berpendapat dan Berekspresi dalam Sistem Demokrasi di Indonesia

Diperbarui: 6 Juli 2024   16:08

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Tri Wahyu Ningtias, Saeful Mujab

Program Studi S-1 Imu Komunikasi, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Bekasi



               Human right play a crucial role in safeguarding the principles of democracy, particularly in the context of freedom of opinion and expression. This paper examines the intricate relationship between human rights and democracy in Indonesia, a nation that has experienced significant political and social transformation. The analysis delves into the constitutional guarantees provided by the Indonesian legal framework, highlighting the Fourth Amendment of the 1945 Constitution as a privotal element in protecting these fundamental freedoms. Despite the robust legal provisions, ther practical implementation oh human rights and democratic principles faces numerous challenges, including political interference, regulatory ambiguities, and conflicts between individual freedoms and national interests. Through a comprehensive review of existing laws, judicial interpretations, and case studies, this writing seeks to identify the obstacles and propose recommendations to enchange the protection of human rights within Indonesian’s democratic system. The findings underscore the necessity for continuous legal reforms and societal commitment to uphold the integrity of democracy and the rights od citizens  to freely express their opinion and ideas.

Keywords : Human Rights, Freedom of Opinion, Freedom of Expression, Democracy.



               Penulisan ini mengeksplorasi peran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) dalam kebebasan berpendapat dan berekspresi dalam sistem demokrasi di Indonesia. Demokrasi di Indonesia telah berkembang dari proses sejarah dan politik yang dipengaruhi oleh para pendiri kemerdekaan seperti Mohammad Hatta dan Sutan Sjahrir. Dalam konteks ini, HAM memainkan peran penting dalam memastikan bahwa kebebasan berpendapat dan berekspresi dilindungi oleh hukum. Namun, penerapan HAM dan demokrasi di Indonesia masih menghadapi berbagai tantangan, termasuk ketidakjelasan regulasi dan campur tangan politik. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tantangan tersebut dan menawarkan Solusi untuk memperkuat perlindungan hak-hak dasar warga negara dalam sistem demokrasi Indonesia.

Kata Kunci : Hak Asasi Manusia, Kebebasan Berpendapat, Kebebasan Berekspresi, Demokrasi.


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