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Why Should be English Major?

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   08:42

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[caption id="attachment_164039" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Getty Images"][/caption] Many people questioned me why I choose English major. When I got acceptance letter from my university, my parents also asked to me, “What job do you get after graduated?”. I hesitated to answer that question. I just convince them that this is my best choice, but I couldn’t explain my reasons furthermore. In other occasion, I met my old friend then he said, “Wow! Are you gonna be English teacher?”. I just smiled and answered, “Yeah, It will be my last choice.” Since that moment, I am trying to find satisfying answer. My answers are still doubtful. I need the the repartee which gratifies anddelights everybody, but I couldn’t find them. Some day, I talked to my grandfather. Then, he asked the same damn thing,

“What is your major, Son?”

“English.”I said certainly.

“English? why?” he frowned.

“Hmmm...cause I like it.” I can’t say further so and so. Huh!

“You should choose Javanese major, we must love our own language, Son!”

Arrggh! I lost confident. Despite I smiled beautifully to him, my heart was crying. Somehow, I was not able to say anything. He got a victory on the discussion. I have thought many times to get it and expostulated with my classmates, yet I did not feel satistied. After a long time, I stopped asking someone else. I was thinking about this deeply. Important thing which I forgot to do is asking to myself. Why and why?

Well. I need change my mind. Maybe I have wrong paradigm. My major does not guarantee me to be English teacher or to forget my mother tongue. It also does not determine my future. The main point is that I love learning and doing novelty. If I have extensive experience, I will get something I want.


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