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Prinz Tiyo

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Bravo Rossoneri (6): Milan! Milan! Sempre Per Te!

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:52

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Olahraga. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK

[caption id="attachment_106606" align="aligncenter" width="479" caption=""][/caption] Milan’s success in winning the 2011 scudetto has ended seven years in vain of their supporters all over the world. Feeling inferior towards the city rivals’s success has been very painful. But this year all sorrows have disappeared with an impressive showcase through the season. The Rossoneri must thank the club management policy in signing the right players. At first, I doubted that problematic players like Ibrahimovic, Robinho, and Cassano would bring troubles at Milanello training camp. It appeared that Ibra was caught quarelling with the former squad member, Oguchi Onyewu, and with the youngster Strasser. But thanks to the maturity that such problem did not extend to any worse situation. Milan played with not too beautiful football. This is not saying that they played pragmatically as well. They still got style to prove due to the skill quality of some players. The current squads, in addition, also have plenty horse-powers such as Abate, Boateng, van Bommel, and Flamini. It is quite different from, for example, those famous with “the Dream Team” address, where stylish players dominated. Disciplinary problems also matter. Ibrahimovic and Boateng respectively collected eight cautions, in addition to two sending off to the Swede International. Milan will definitely end this season without ‘fair play awards’ accordingly. But this is football. Beautiful play may be not enough to win the game, as you may frequently see Arsenal. The Gunners have a great collective characteristic but lacking of finishing touch. Also, Rossoneri can not play like Barcelona with their dominating and intimidating possesion football. The most important characteristic, which Rossonero has is playing as a team. Last season was very hard and it was good enough to teach the players how to behave as a great team with traditional reputation. The result is what we have already seen this season. All the players understand the importance of being Milan Family. Sense of belonging is shown by Christian Abbiati and Massimo Ambrosini who devoted their bests in every occasion on the pitch. The latter might leave many games due to injury problem but he is still the most loyal Milanese. The current squads are not the best ever, but they have been good enough to grab the dream trophy. At the pole position, Milan will be ‘a team to beat’ next season. It must be the hardest job ever for Massimilano Allegri. He is now the winning coach and he must know that all eyes shall be on him right after the 2011/2012 season has kicked-off. Problem related aging players is another one to account for. Gattuso, Nesta, Ambrosini, Oddo, Pirlo, Zambrotta, and Inzaghi are at the eve of their careers. Milan must stress their priority on the younger players like Antonini, Abate, Merkel, even Beretta and Piscetelli. Traditionally, however, Milanello is not a good place for the youngsters. It could be either the weakness or the strength. It relates to the club’s culture. This not to say that Milan is one that people may see Real Madrid, Chelsea, Bayern Munich, or the present Manchester City. Past experience by creating a galactical group is not necessary and proved inefficient. Quoting Lothar Matthaeus, “a team with eleven best players in the world would not automatically make the team a winner.” Milan has begun a new development, that is signing the right players at the right time. I’m, Tiyo Widodo, I’ve been a Milanista for 23 years, and will always be… Forza Milan!


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