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Is It Important to Apply Self-Awareness Since Elementary School?

Diperbarui: 9 Agustus 2024   10:13

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Recently, we hear or see so many cases that have happened to students. For example, suicide, violence, bullying, etc. When those cases are still increasing, we begin to ask ourselves. "Actually, what is happening to this generation now?" or "Why do they become like that?". We are surprised and we want to know 'what's behind these'. I think one of the problems is lack of self-awareness. Self-awareness is one of the most important values which need to live in all people, especially students. I also strongly believe that this aspect has to be implemented since we are kids or in elementary school otherwise it'll be too late to start. A Latin proverb says, 'aut nunc aut nunquam', or in simple terms, 'now or never.'  This implementation is very important because we have self-knowledge, self-abnegation, and self-control within ourselves.

First, self-knowledge. In philosophy, "self-knowledge" standardly refers to knowledge of one's own mental states---that is, of what one is feeling or thinking, or what one believes or desires. We must help students in elementary school to know themselves. If they know themselves well, slowly they become aware of it. It's not a difficult thing. We can start by asking them about their desires. For instance, we ask them to write "I desire..." or we ask them to write their dreams, what they want to be in the future. We also can open the class by asking them what their feelings are today. Those simple things really help them to know little by little who they really are. If we don't introduce self-knowledge in the elementary school, they will lose their identity, and it will be dangerous for them. We can help them to realize that they are loved enough by their parents. If they feel comfortable with themselves they will love it also.

Second, self-abnegation. In simple terms, self-abnegation is the ability of not allowing yourself to follow what you like or want for your future or common good. If you hear this, maybe it's something difficult and I think so. Although it seems challenging, we can try this. There is a new method called 'Gratification Delay'. It will help the students to postpone their needs for something better. For example, if the students want to play, we can ask them to be patient, and listen for the materials first, after that they can play. We can also ask parents to help students improve this. Another example, if the students ask their parents to buy new toys, their parents can ask them to keep their money in order to buy it. Sometimes, parents can easily buy what their children want. But, for this time, you can try this to your children. Remember, spoiling your children means destroying them. 

Last but not the least, self-control. If you can build two things above for your students, self-control will automatically appear on their own. Self-control is also a simple thing that you can try to help your students. Self-control is really about stopping yourself from doing something that you maybe shouldn't do in order to attain your broader goal(s). We can build self-control through giving them an exercise of how we react to people who speak mean words to us. You can see their answers. If they become angry, it's okay, but if they answer with the same words, you can direct them to use nice words.

To wrap it up, it is important to apply and implement self-awareness since elementary school, because we have self-knowledge, self-abnegation, and self-control. We also can easily apply these things in daily life at school or home. Students who really know themselves, can postpone their wants, and control themselves, will develop very well and can bring good change to our world and make this world better than before. "Wer aufwrts will, muss aufwrts blicken." Whoever wants to move forward must look forward. 






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