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Goodbye Love

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   05:13

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Description: people say friendship between a guy and girl is never going eternal, someone might fall in love to the other, or they fall into each other. And its happen between David and Luna. They become a best friend since they are classmate in college. Luna’s father ask David to take care of her daughter like david’s sister, for the first year.. david can regard luna as a best friend and sister, but later.. he falls for luna. And its also happen to luna. Luna loves david but since she already had a boyfriend, she thought it maybe love for brother. Characters:David, Luna --------- "say aaaaa.." suzy asked me to open my mouth while we were in the cafe, suddenly Luna who also want to feed me stood up from her seat and ready to leave us. i can feel that she was jealous on me. " yoo Luna.. feed me, your food flirting me" as i hold her wrist and she look at me then she sit on her chair again then feed me with a curve smile on her face while feeding me. " i knew it Lun.. you jealous on what suzy's did to me just now" I talk to my self. i know everytime  she got jealous but she never know when i got jealous, like that time when she spending time with her boyfriend all day long she texted me that she's not in her dorm she went to her parents home. but her father called me asked me about her, theres no way out i have to lie to her father that Luna was fall asleep in my dorm. sometimes..i can feel that she loved me the way i love her, but because she already had a boyfriend andher boyfriend was so strict she avoid her feeling to me.and i cant confess my feeling to her. i still remember when i cant attend the class for a week, that time i was attend my cousin's wedding at out of town. she texted me all the time. from: my princess "Dave.. iam so lazy to attend the class" to: my princess " why so?" from; my princess " its because of you, stupid!" to: my princess "why you blaming me? what i have done?" from: my princess " dont you know that you are the reason i can stand in the class all day long?” to: my princess " hehe iam sorry princess, dont  be mad you look ugly  when you're angry from: my princess" come back soon! if you wont dead young" she command me with her harsh text, im not angry with her texts otherwise i love she text me like that. its showed that she need me and want me to be her side. we spend alot time together when we were in college until the graduation came, we were happy and sad at the same time. we felt happy because we already graduated, and we felt sad because we have to apart. yeaa.. she back to her parents and work there. ---- i never see her again after we graduated 3 years ago, we just keep in touch by phone call and texting each other. being apart is so hurt for me, its become more hurt when i got a wedding invitation  from her. once i meet her again is in her wedding day, i set my heart steadfast and strong while driving to her place. i get into her room, i saw her on make up " you look beautiful Lun.." "daviid..” she stood up and hug me tight. i can feel warm water emerged my cloth. " you shouldn’t come dave..", i dont know what does she mean.i patted her back " ssshhh.. you shouldnt cry in your wedding day Luna.." i want to let go the hug but she keep hug me tightly, " let me hug you for more longer dave.. i dont know if i can see you again or not after this" " dont say that princess" i kiss her forehead when she let go the hug, and i kiss her cheeks " this is my bless for you, young lady" i give her my fake smile. after she got married, i lost contact with her. i had try to dialed her number but the number is not active. i thought she already forget me, i know this is the time i should forget her and move on. --- this is the 4th year she disappeared, she must be happy now having cute childrens and good husband. i have to find my happiness.. yeaa i deserve to love and to be loved. here iam stuck in the coffe shop, waiting for the rain to stop. " excuse me.. can i join you sir? since there's no empty chair anymore" a preety girl stand up in front of me. "oh sure, please.. have a seat" i told her. we become closer after that day, and i can see that she likes me as how she treat me like her boyfriend. so i decided to marry her, i hope when i marry her i can forget my bestfriend Luna and love can grow again. day after day, week after week.. i make my self busy in office and back home late at night just to avoid to have sex with my wife. i know this isnt fair for her, but im not ready yet. " david.. i miss you.. please come to my place" "Luna.. where are you?? lunaa.. lunaa.." "baby.. wake up.. are you okay??" my wife waking me up. "baby.. you call that name many time in your dream, and this is the 3th time you dream about her, who is she?" "nothing babe.. she is only my old friend" i rub my eyes and stare at my wife "come.. lets sleep again" she told me as pull my head rest on her chest and i fell asleep. --- i cant focus on my work, im thinking about my dream last night. suddenly Ricky  patt my shoulder " yoo bro.. what are you thinking about?" "aishh.. you give me a heart attack man..well.. i was dream about someone and my wife said that its the 3th time i dream about her" i told him " ohh my god ness you dream another girl while you have wife??" he asked me in high tone " holly shit.. turn down your volume dude!!" i reply him " its doesnt fair for your wife man.." " i know.. but i dont ask God to dream about that girl you know" " she must be special in your life, dave" "yeaa. before" i answer him in low voice "are you sure??" he staring with his eagle eyes " do you know when someone appear in your dream thats mean she/he miss you alot" ricky stated, and it makes me shock but i try hard to control my self. "noo.. it cant be. its only a dream you know, i dont believe it" while i driving home, im thinking about what ricky said to me before, its bother me alot. "eeeehh.. why i have to think about her, she never thinking about me"  i talk to my self. ----- i drop my bag when i get inside my house, i see my wife in the kitchen with a sexy dress, i never saw her like this. i just realize that she has a sexy body. i walk slowly towardher and hug her from behind. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......." she is screaming and its look cute. "im home baby" i whisper to her ear. she turn her body to face me, she put her arm around my neck. she kiss me and i just quite for a minute. " she is a good wife and she patient waiting for you to touch her, she deserve to be happy David" sound in my head.after couple minute staring each other.. i kiss her back.. our kiss more passionate.. my tongue ask permission to get into her mouth, without break our kiss i lift her into our bedroom. i lay her on the bed i saw her eyes full of desire. this is our first sex and i felt guilty because when we making love, i was imagine that iam doing sex with Luna, my wife fell asleep in my arm and i cover our naked body with a blanket. i still couldnt sleep, my mind was thinking about luna. " where are you now Luna??, what you have done to me?" after our first sex, my wife become more attractive, she always try to get my attention, but i told her that i was tired. one time when i back home i saw her  just wearing towel,  " ohh baby you home??' she give a peck kiss on my lips. i just  smile to her. "baby.. been so long we didnt had sex, can i have you tonight? she ask me. " baby.. let me get some rest okay?? we do it in another time okay? as i carees her hair. " i know you never love me" she start sobbing "heyy dont say that.. i love you baby.." i lay beside her and pull her into hug " i know you love the woman in your dream dave, dont lie to me" "iam sorry baby.. I know its doesn’t fair foryou.. just give me a time, i will fix my self" i hug her tightly, and kiss her forehead. "i wont force you anymore dave.. i will waiting for you" she kiss my neck and  we were sleep cuddling ---- i had spent 2 days in hongkong for business, when the meeting is done i decide  to go to mal to buy some gifth for my wife, i saw "a boutiqe near indoor, i walk inside the boutiqe i take one pcs pink gawn, i can hear someone told me from behind " you have a good taste sir"  i smile widely and wanna say thanks then i turn my body to face the sales. but i got shock and my heart beat fast.. the girl who praised me recently was luna " Daavid... " she hug me tight, i dont know what to do with her reaction. " i miss you so much" i can hear she crying " Lunaa.. what are you doing??" i let go the hug " david.. why you dont hug me back?? dont you miss me dave?? she asked me with a teary eyes.. " i was lie if i dont miss you Lun.. but its wrong. we're married to other people" my voice out in tremble " is it hug is wrong?" she asked me back "yes it is BIG WRONG lun..its big wrong for me to hug you back, i need years  to forget you, i need years  to open my heart for other people, when i ready to start new life, why you have to come again infront of me? WHY??" my heart so pain, and tear fall down to my cheek " l love you David..i just realize that i love you so much a day before I get marriage, theres something missed from my heart after i got married and its you." she cuped my face and kiss makes me more angry and more pain. "STOP IT LUNA... i beg you.. stop it" " please Dave.. give me a chance" she hug me again, but i push her away and leave her without see back to her, i keep walking even i hear she yelling my name "im sorry Luna.. why now you told me about your feeling" i talk to my self while driving back to my hotel "goodbye love....


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