Uhuhuhuhu. Coughing while rolling cigarettes made of the real tobacco, with the delicious taste and clove. I never think before that I can escape with an unreasonable chance. Two days before had been the good day for me, but now I am about to die. Sodon, one of my best friends, died after robbing the driver in the pathway at night. This night is such a solitude and gives the terrifying shadow behind me, such a fool. I will not be the same as him or myself. Fortunately, when people brought guns and brandished machete, this amulet saved me, as my belt. Too much thinking will kill you, and you will have no choice except for killing or being killed.
I do not think that people will chase me now, even my own imagination. This night has been darker with no friendly sky and serene horizon. I still remember when I need someone or something to soothe my hard life. People are more and more individualistic with no affection. They waffle over the petty things that I cannot understand.
Opening the bag brought from the illegal shop nearby. the liquor, known as oplosan or moonshine, smells much better. One important thing was that the concoction forgot the basic seasoning, methylated spirit, and lacks of alcohol. All were good though. Sometimes, the day is too hot for me to do my job, and I should wait until late night prowling the sinless people driving their car or motorcycle.
Pouring the oplosan into a small glass with hissing sounds like gasoline. Smoke was everywhere, and the cigarette was finally butted. TV did not work. This room had not been cleaned for a week as was reflected by the rubbish in the corner. Suddenly, crickets rattled continuously giving more sombre night into the real darkness. The electric lamp was on, yet illuminating a half of the broken candelabrum. He was peering through the window to make sure that everyone was not around. The solitude is much better. I drank a glass of oplosan without intervention. The taste and the odor are strong enough. One thing that Ujang forgot to concoct. The concoction should add more alcohol.
The imagination became tense, and the situation was half unconscious. I believe that Papa still waits for me to go home. He does not even give me solution except for babbling and grumbling over nothing, where-do-you-get-money and I-never-see-you-go-working talks. People in the slum know me as a successful person. My father is beguiled as the most stupid person. Well, I cannot sleep nowadays. These days are not friendly anymore. Sometimes, the reality manifested in my dream that I could not help. Blood, cries, and pain could I not evade in my mind. The shadow sometimes followed me in the darkness. It got lost and showed up suddenly without the clear complexion and mien. Hell, that is really really terrible and scary so that I was awaken. The crying voices also follow me before sleeping.
Taking one more glass of oplosan to relieve the commotion of this life. The atmosphere was silent for a moment because owls were afraid of the lights from the kampong. The carpet in the room muffled the sounds of the glass against the floor. I do not know why my hand is somewhat trembling as if revealing the secret of my heart.
I need more the soothing drink to escape from the reality. Sodon said that I could be the best person as I could. He could see my talent from the first time we met. He was such a good man. Eventhough his sight was sometimes vacant, he could be so friendly to help me whenever I got trouble. He was like an eagle in the eyes and strong as a lion. Unfortunately, he was burnt dead.
This third slurp is delicious. While speaking, he wolfed down the crackers and gobbled the rubbish that he had bought two days ago. In this time, he thought that the chair behind him moved over a little. After checking it out, nothing happened. Mama said that I was a good boy. Yes, she really insisted in front of me. She never knows who I am actually.
However, I hate her very much. When I wanted a motorcycle like others, she even did not buy me one. I disregarded her for my goals, and I had better see her sheding tears. I was born without fear because fear is constructed for the weak. Even Ujang regards me as the real nature of a man.
Well, I have headache due to thinking too much of the past. Sometimes I cried, and Sodon led me to the right path, but now he was gone. I hated the way people tortured him with fire. His smooth and ladylike cries lingered in my mind. I saw the delicate outlines of his face. Ohhh. His remembrance offended and hurt him so much. The chair behind him was as if seated by someone hidden and magically retarded. He wrinkled his temple like an exorcised person. Was it my imagination or my madness?