Gerak-geriknya mencurigakan, napasnya mengeluarkan aroma kebusukan. Tak ada kenyangnya. Alangkah tamaknya. Bergaya dan berfoya-foya. Aduhai viralnya.
Dalam darah dagingnya, tercampur antara hak dan batil. Seruput langkahnya antara bimbang dan kerisauan tak berkesudahan.
Naluri hampir mati. Lalu benar benar mati. Lantas padam. Aroma senja juga enggan menyingkap tabir. Ia bersendawa di tengah jutaan orang kelaparan.
His movements suspicious, his breath gave off the smell of decay. There is no full. How greedy. Stylish and extravagant. Oh, the virus.
In his flesh and blood, mixed between right and wrong. Sipping steps between indecision and endless anxiety.
Instinct almost died. Then it really dies. Then it goes out. The smell of twilight is also reluctant to reveal the veil. He burps in the midst of millions of hungry people.