Lagu SD dulu "bangun pagi-pagi pukul enam," Barangkali sudah berubah di NTT. Beberapa sekolah harus masuk sekolah pukul 05.00 pagi. Itu artinya dia tidak boleh bangun pukul 5. Tapi harus awal dari itu.
Entah apa filosofinya. Gubernur NTT tampak ingin viral dan dibicarakan khalayak. Aduhai, penting rupanya. Tak melulu buruk pulak, Bapak Viktor Laiskodat banyak prestasi disana. Anggaran pendidikan melampaui seharusnya. Bangga juga kita.
Tak banyak masuk universitas top Jawa, katanya. Kenapa rupanya? Mungkin tak banyak minat untuk kuliah disana. Bukan sebuah tolak ukur prestasi rasanya. Kuliah bisa dimana saja, tak perlu ternama - mutiara tetaplah mutiara, kata orang tua tua.
Oih, bangun jam berapa pulak kita? Jam 5 sudah masuk sekolah. Jam 4? Atau jam 3? Pak Viktor pun masih asyik di peraduannya. Ibu ayah pusing dibuatnya. Tukang angkot juga masih pejam dalam mimpinya. Burung-burung masih terlelap. Dahan dan ranting masih malas berkelakar. Oh, Pak Gubernur - demikian asyik dikau merebut sorotan penduduk republik.
Bangun harus dini hari (Foto
The SD song used to be "get up early at six." Perhaps that has changed in NTT. Some schools have to start school at 05.00 in the morning. That means he can't get up at 5. But it has to be earlier than that.
I don't know what the philosophy is. The governor of NTT seemed to want to go viral and be discussed by the public. Oh my, it's important. Not only bad, Mr. Viktor Laiskodat has many achievements there. The education budget exceeds what it should be. Proud of us too.
Not many go to top Javanese universities, he said. Why apparently? Maybe not much interest to study there. It's not a measure of performance. You can go to college anywhere, you don't need to be famous - pearls are still pearls, old people say.
Oh, what time do we wake up? It's 5 o'clock in school. 4 o'clock? Or 3 o'clock? Mr. Viktor was still engrossed in the contest. Mother and father become dizzy. The bus driver is also still closed in his dreams. The birds are still asleep. Branches and twigs are still lazy to joke around. Oh, Mr. Governor - you are so engrossed in grabbing the spotlight of the republicans.