Pada kesempatan sebelumnya, kita membahas topik bisnis. Kali ini, kita akan membahas topik education(pendidikan). Perhatikan sampel pertanyaan dan jawaban pada topik ini. Dibagian akhir, kamu akan menemukan beberapa kosakata terkait topik ini.
Question: Are you studying English at a school?
Answer: Yes ... I'm taking an intensive course at a local private language school ... I attend classes three times a week ...
Question: Would you say you are a good student?
Answer: I'm OK, I think ... I'm pretty good at meeting deadlines and I'm keeping up with my studies ... plus I find it quite easy to learn things by heart which is useful when learning a language ...
Question: When you were younger did you enjoy your time at school?
Answer: Yes ... I liked school ... it was an ordinary state school ... nothing special ... a single-sex school ... which I'm not sure I liked ... but the teachers were great ... I had lots of friends and I never played truant like some pupils there ...
Question: What qualities do you think a good teacher has?
Answer: They should be patient ... they should be subject specialists and be able to explain the subject clearly ... they should give feedback quickly ... for example not hang on to essay for ages like some of my teachers ...
Question: What are the advantages of studying on a distance learning course?
Answer: It's a more flexible way of studying especially if you have a job ... tuition fees are usually cheaper ... but you have to be very motivated ... and I would imagine more people fall behind with their studies compared to face-to-face classes ...