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Y.L. Sunardiono

Praktisi Pendidikan

What makes an excellent education?

Diperbarui: 17 Februari 2019   19:34

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On February 15, 2019, I thought this would be a meaningful moment for me because that was the day for attending the Awards Night of Indonesia Best of the Best Award 2019 at the Grand Inna Kuta Hotel, Bali.   Xin Zhong Senior High School (or it is known as Xin Zhong Preuniversity) received the prestigious award for  "The Best Favorite School in Education Quality Excellence of the Year" Category.  This category is presented to school and/or leader with oustanding performance in the educational excellence for aligning the strategic planning with total quality management for continuous school improvement. In this case, I developed a master plan of Xin Zhong Preuniversity as a part of strategic planning for obtaining the school's vision and mission to create and maintain sustainable competitive advantages.

The Awards Night  was presented by the Indonesia Achievement Center (IAC) and organized by Tre Uno Event Management, Jakarta.  This prestigious event is an annual recognition of schools  and/or excellent leaders  that have epitomized the best practices of educational excellence by their valuable contributions to the society through genuine ideas, creativity, innovation, and best practices which is measured by using the criteria: quality, performance, responsibility, transparency and attractiveness. As an  award recipient, I received a certificate of appreciation which signed by the CEO of IAC  and Chairman of Organizing Committee.

I truly hope this prestigious achievement will motivate school leaders, teachers, staff members, students and parents of Xin Zhong Senior High School for doing their best in order to reach higher performance. It was not just a celebration of success but a moral responsibility to make it happen in reality, not just  on paper. Thank you teachers, staff members and parents for educating the children to be the best they can be (by YL Sunardiono, Principal of  Xin  Zhong Preuniversity)

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