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Suko Waspodo


Take The Short Way Home

Diperbarui: 6 Juni 2024   11:50

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Image: Painting by Carlos Herrera

when dusk whispers soft its gentle embrace
and shadows stretch long in the fading light
take the short way home, find your resting place
where warmth awaits to banish the night

the path may wind through fields of gold
or cut through forests dark and deep
yet every step, a story told
of dreams we chase and secrets we keep

through alleyways where memories linger
and streets that hum with tales of old
feel the pulse of life, a heartbeat's singer
in the twilight's glow, so pure and bold

the world is vast, yet circles tight
when hearts are drawn to kindred souls
take the short way home tonight
to the hearth where love and comfort rolls

for home is not a distant star
but a beacon bright, a guiding flame
no matter where your journeys are
it's the call of your own name

so wander free, explore the unknown
but heed the whisper in your bone
when weary feet long for stone
take the short way home

Solo, Thu, 6th June 2024. 11:18 am
Suko Waspodo


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