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Suko Waspodo


The Hand Of Fate

Diperbarui: 5 Juni 2024   12:48

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Image: Painting by Sai Priya Mahajan

in shadows deep where whispers dwell
there lies a tale that few can tell
of destiny and paths unknown
where fate's hand guides, like wind it's blown

in every step, in every breath
it weaves a tapestry, life and death
a silent force, unseen, yet strong
it shapes our journey, short or long

with fingers deft, it spins the thread
of love and loss, of joy and dread
inscribed upon the cosmic scroll
the story of each mortal soul

it paints with hues of light and shade
the choices made, the dues we've paid
and though we strive to break its hold
its grip remains, relentless, bold

yet in its grasp, there's beauty found
in every twist, in every round
for fate's embrace, though often cruel
can carve a path to make us whole

so let us dance within its palm
embrace the rise, the sudden fall
for in the end, we'll come to see
the hand of fate, sets us free

Solo, Wed, 5th June 2024. 12:28 pm
Suko Waspodo


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