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Suko Waspodo

Pensiunan dan Pekerja Teks Komersial

My Wooded World

Diperbarui: 12 Oktober 2023   14:06

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Sumber gambar: National Gallery

in the heart of the forest, where shadows dance
my wooded world unfolds in wild expanse
a tapestry of green, both near and far
nature's masterpiece, a living avatar

the trees, ancient sentinels, stand tall and wise
their branches reach for the azure skies
leaves rustle in whispers, secrets they share
as dappled sunlight filters through with care

beneath my feet, a carpet of fallen leaves
a rustling symphony with every step it weaves
the earthy scent, a perfume in the air
a fragrance of life, beyond compare

a babbling brook meanders through the glade
its song a serenade, in sunlight or in shade
moss-covered stones line its winding course
a haven for creatures, a lifeline, of course

birds of every feather, a rainbow in flight
painting the sky with colors so bright
their melodies, a chorus in the breeze
a harmonious offering to put the mind at ease

invisible hands weave the threads of life
in this secluded world, free from human strife
the creatures that dwell, both great and small
each playing their role, in nature's grand hall

from the smallest insects to the mightiest of trees
all are bound together, as gentle as the breeze
in my wooded world, I find my place
a sanctuary of peace, a sacred space

so, let us cherish this world so divine
in the embrace of nature, we find our line
for in the heart of the forest, we are free
in my wooded world, I find serenity

Solo, Thu, 12th October 2023. 1:44 pm
Suko Waspodo


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