Saat menyusun dan memberi informasi dalam sebuah teks, kalimat sebab dan akibat (cause and effect) sering digunakan. Jenis kalimat ini berfungsi untuk menjelaskan alasan mengapa sesuatu terjadi atau akibat yang terjadi setelah sesuatu dilakukan.
Ada kata-kata hubung (conjunction) yang lazim digunakan untuk merangkai kalimat sebab dan akibat seperti because, as, since, due to, because of dan lain-lain. Berikut adalah penjelasan dan contohnya.
A. Kata hubung (conjunction) yang diikuti kalimat lengkap
Kata-kata hubung berikut ini wajib dilengkapi dengan kalimat lengkap (Subject + Verb + Object/Complement)
- As
- For
- Since
- Because
- Now that
- Due to the fact that
- As the weather is getting cold, we should wear thicker jackets outside.
- The kids were happy, for their father brought a lot of toys for them.
- Since I was sick last week, I didn't attend the ceremony.
- She went to the library because she wanted to borrow a dictionary.
- Now that the lamps are cheaper, we had better buy more for our house.
- We are still closing the shop due to the fact that the situation is still dangerous now.
B. Kata hubung (conjunction) yang diikuti kata benda (noun) atau gerund
Kata-kata hubung berikut ini berbeda dengan di atas karena wajib dilengkapi dengan kata benda (noun) atau Verb --ing (gerund) yang juga berfungsi sebagai kata benda.
- Due to
- Owing to
- Thanks to
- Because of
- On account of
- Her failure was due to being negligent that day.
- He has a lot of money now owing to his father's inheritance.
- Thanks to my grandfather's support, I could pass the music exam.
- Nina is bedridden because of cancer.
- They are not here yet on account of the traffic jam.
Ada banyak kata hubung yang dapat di pilih ketika menulis kalimat sebab dan akibat dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Jangan hanya memakai satu kata hubung berkali-kali dalam teks yang kita buat karena akan terlihat kurang bervariatif dan membosankan.
Selamat mencoba!