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Sing for the World Part III: Originally from Hong Kong, Bunch of Love for Indonesia

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   04:06

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Hiburan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Rawpixel

For reading the first series of “Sing for the World” about the introduction and achievement of Voca Erudita choir group, please click here:Sing for the World Part 1: On Behalf of Indonesia, They Will Sing for the World

For reading the second series of “Sing for the World” about the love of Voca Erudita choir group to Sebelas Maret University and Solo city plus about its fabulous concert, please click here:Sing for the World Part II: The Fire Comes from Here

[caption id="attachment_116704" align="aligncenter" width="614" caption="Chung Wing Yeung. Originally from Hong Kong with bunch of love for Indonesia. Photo by Chung Wing Yeung"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_116701" align="aligncenter" width="614" caption="Chung Wing Yeung during the concert of Voca Erudita. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption]

During the concert of Voca Erudita entitled "Notes - A Journey of Symphony” in Friday, June 17, 2011, people were welcomed by nice romantic Mandarin song from a acapella group consisting of six members of Voca Erudita. They sang“Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin” delightfully with lovely arrangement of voices. All singers could sing perfectly, but there was one singer whom audiences could realize that he could pronounce that Mandarin lyric fluently just like native Chinese singing Mandarin song. Though Indonesians were common to see oriental look, audiences of that concert could find something different and unique from the man wearing blue shiny Chinese outfit. Yes, in fact he was not Chinese Indonesian, but he was the real Chinese from Hong Kong.

Then many questions might appear from audiences after they knew that he was the real Chinese from Hong Kong. They were impressed and curious how he could join Indonesian choir that would also fight for the name of Indonesia in International competitions. They also wanted to know how he could manage his singing practise with various Indonesian and Javanese songs. In fact, there was long memorable story of him before entering Voca Erudita group, there was his long journey to be here, in Indonesia, and nicely, there was bunch of love for Indonesia deep inside his heart.

His name is Chung Wing Yeung, student from Chinese University of Hong Kong who gets the Darmasiswa scholarship from Ministry of National Education or Republic of Indonesia to study Indonesian language in Sebelas Maret University Solo (UNS). He is known more with the name Patrick and funnily his Indonesian friends modify his name with Javanese sense. They transform Patrick name into Petruk, a character of Indonesianwayang(Indonesian traditional puppet). Indeed, he is special student. He has many outstanding talents like singing, diving, and photography.

Patrick had visited Indonesia before he got Darmasiswa scholarship for his diving and choral conservation project. He stepped his feet in Solo for the first time with status of Darmasiswa student in August 8, 2010 in Adi Sumarmo Solo International Airport. Uniquely, there was something missing during his attendance. Though he had been listed as Darmasiswa student in UNS, that university did not get information from Jakarta that his flight to Solo was that day. Fortunately, he was not person who was easy to be panic; not like some others people who tended to be very panic when they got trouble in their first trip in the new foreign country. He tried to coordinate by himself by contacting Jakarta to get the contact of UNS and eventually everything was smooth until he finally could arrive in that university.

There was another surprising thing when he looked for house. Usually, International Office of UNS helped to give some choices of accommodations, but he managed to get by himself with the help of UNS student friend, Januar Arifin. People could wonder how he could already have UNS student friend. In fact, they had met each other during choir competition in Malaysia.

[caption id="attachment_116708" align="aligncenter" width="604" caption="Chung Wing Yeung met Voca Erudita for the first time in Malaysia. Photo by Chung Wing Yeung"][/caption]

Yups, looking back to his past experience, "A Voyage of Song" International choir competition in Penang Malaysia in 2009 was a very memorable moment for him. He was the member of choir group named Music Office Youth Choir (MOYC) organized by Hong Kong Government. In that competition, he was impressed by Voca Erudita choir group from UNS Indonesia that could perform with attractive choreography. It was not common for his choir group singing with many movements like Voca Erudita did. Patrick appreciated that group and wanted to keep that memory by taking picture together with Voca Erudita members. In truth, that moment had its "chemical reaction". Without Patrick realized, he and Voca Erudita both physically and emotionally started to be connected each other. Thus, when he knew that there was the opportunity to study in Indonesia, without a doubt he chose UNS in his application as his place of study, as the place where he could meet Voca Erudita. Luckily, the destiny led him to be accepted in UNS.

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