[caption id="attachment_97471" align="aligncenter" width="496" caption="Date to Explore the World. Designed by Yudi Sastroredjo"][/caption] By: Sonny Hendrawan Saputra with the inspiration from Romanian colleague, Horia Diaconescu
Wise man says "when you travel, your horizon becomes wider but the world becomes smaller"
What do you feel when you see your Indonesian friend's profile picture in Facebook showing he stands in front of Eiffel Tower in beautiful night of France, or how joyful he is in one of Disneyland arena in Hong Kong, or even showing how cool his school in U.K? What do you feel if you have not got the opportunity yet to pass the border of Indonesia and to see the cultures that are totally different from here? I believe many of this article readers also want to get the chance to travel abroad. Yes, for some people it is so easy to go overseas even some other think that it is not big deal to do so. But if you really dream of going other countries but do not obtain the opportunity yet, or always have "reasons" to delay it, and still say "I am afraid", this article may help you to see what the constraints and benefits to go to other country thus it eventually encourage you to make it real now. It is not just talking about travelling for tourism, but also for studying and any other beneficial purposes. Hi Guys, dare to explore the world! As wise man says "when you travel, your horizon becomes wider but the world becomes smaller"
Nowadays, many Indonesians have taken flights to go to other countries. However, it still can be compared with many more other Indonesians who have not "tasted" both challenges and pleasure of stepping their feet abroad. For many reasons, many Indonesians do not have the "culture" of travelling. Even many Indonesians who live in Java have not experienced visiting Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua, vice versa. Off course high expense is always the reason to not do travelling. Indonesia which is shaped from archipelagos, for some people, also makes travelling harder. They may feel lazy or afraid to pass the ocean to go other island. It is different with almost whole areas of Europe that does not have any ocean borders. Thus, European man from a country is easier to travel to other European countries plus they have good transportation system including train crossing several countries. Okay, let's begin with the journey and we start by reading this article.
This article is mostly inspired by my colleague and the real traveller (have travelled to 19 countries) from Romania, Horia Diaconescu. He has presented his idea about the motivation to travel in the seminar of "Dare to Explore the World" held by International Office of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in March 3, 2011. He concludes basic motivations why we have to dear to explore the world, both for travelling and studying.
1. To Get Valuable Personal Experiences
It must be fun to have something new in your life. It will make your life more colourful and interesting. Going abroad teaches how to adapt and learn different circumstances that may totally contrast with your daily life. For Indonesian, you will never forget to see wonderful falling snow for the first time in your life when you go to European countries. You will be amazed with the different tastes and styles of foods when you go to Central Asia countries. You will also feel the joy to learn how to communicate with people when you go to Japan with their rhythm of life, fashion, and habits. It is also funny to learn toilet and bathing system that may different in several countries. It can be your one of most valuable personal experiences in our life that can be something sweet for the history of your life.
2. To Understand Who I Am and Who Others Are
Sometimes it is very easy for us to judge negatively other people with different culture. We sometimes consider their culture is strange and vague. We often argue that western people are too direct in communication, it is very different with the style of Asian people. So Asian people often consider western's way of communication bit impolite. By travelling to other country, you will understand what are common and different from our culture. You will also capable of observing why the commons and differences occur. Finally, it will crate your mental to have better understanding all races with their own cultures styles.
3. To Make Friends and Contacts
If you have dream of having job in other country for your future carer , travelling abroad can be good start to know other working atmosphere outside Indonesia. You can begin observing the opportunity and try to know people who can be your contact if you need information about subject of work that you like. Off course it is not as simple as we can imagine, but why not you try it? Knowing new international friends will also possibly help you to make your national project wider, or to share information about international scholarship.
4. To Get A Good Diploma/Certificate