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Let's Get to Know What the Delusions are

Diperbarui: 17 November 2022   23:23

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

A delusion occurs when the person believes in or believes in something that isn't true. It is impossible to distinguish fact from fiction when you have paranoid delusions. Delusions are usually associated with some other mental disorders such as paranoid disorders, hallucinations, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. As a symptom of mental psychosis, delusions can emerge at a more serious stage. 

This condition can be dangerous for the patient as well as the people around him. As a result, people who suffer from delusional disorders need to see a psychiatrist for checkups and treatment. Delusional or waham is one kind of serious mental disorder. In medical terms, delusions are also called psychosis. 

This condition is marked by the difficulty of distinguishing what is real and what is imaginary. Delusional sufferers often believe in things that are not true or that are incompatible with reality. While it has been proved that what he believes is not true, he will still cling to his thinking and think that what he believes is true. For example, anyone with delusional disorder can strongly believe in the existence of aliens or ufos. He could also often feel paranoid and feel that someone was trying to hurt or kill him when, in reality, he did not.

Many people believe that delusions and hallucinations are just two things in common. In reality, however, illusions and hallucinations are two different things, although a lot of people often use one or several of them. This is a strong belief in something false. While hallucinations refer to perceptions of something that is not real, like listening, seeing, feeling, kissing, or experiencing something that is not real.

Neither the most typical symptom nor the most characteristic delusional characteristic is a firm belief in something that is not real. That belief will not disappear even if there is logical evidence to refute it. Not all delusions are the same. 

Some delusional people believe in simple, unreal things, but others believe in something strange and fantastic in the eyes of others. Delusions result in fits of anger and poor mood. As well, they experience hallucinations that relate to perceived illusions. For example, a delusional person who hates him for bad odor really makes his body smell bad when in reality it does not.

Delusions or waham that affect each sufferer may vary. Typically, frequent delusions are delusions of paranoia. Here are the kinds of delusions.

The first is the grandiose delusion.People with this type of delusion typically have an inordinate sense of honor, strength, identity, and knowledge. The sufferer may feel that he has discovered something extraordinary or has a unique ability. Not only with unique abilities, the sufferer also believes that he possesses certain unique objects that no one else has or believes he has connections with important people. In some cases, delusions of grandeur believe that he or she is a prominent person or leader of a particular religious sect.

Secondly, there are somatic illusions.Those who have somatic delusions believe they have impairments in their body parts or certain medical conditions. People with it sometimes experience some physical sensations or dysfunction.

Thirdly, there are erotic illusion.Those with delusional disorder erotmania believe that they are loved or liked by certain people. It is usually assumed that the person who likes or loves the sufferer is famous or important. Delusional erotomanic will try to approach and interact with people he considers to love or love, even to the point of secretly stalking the person. Next, there are delusions of paranoia, delusions of jealousy and delusion blends.

The causes of delusional disorder are not sure yet, but these mental disorders are known to be associated with a variety of triggering factors, ranging from genetics or genetics, biology, environment, and psychological disorders. 

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