A. Pyhtagoras
Phytagoras was born on thr island of samos, lonia. The date and year are not know for certain but according to Aristotenos student of Aristoteles, pyhtagoras moved to the city of Kroton, Southern italy because he didn't agree with the tyrannical polykrates goverment. Years in kroton, then moved to Metapontion and died in the city. According to pythagoras,wisdom is actually only owned by God alonr because he does not want to be called 2 wise person but calls himself philosophos, thr creator of wisdom as an enternal mathematician with his postulates.
B. Socrates
About the history of socrates isn't widely know but from the main sources of information about him can be obtained from the writing of Aristophanes, Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle's and students. The one go wrote most about Socrates was Plato in the former dialogues. He was a soproniscos carver and his mother was named phairnatr, her job as a midwife. His wife's name is Candice know as a butch (fierce and hard). He came from a wealthy family by getting a good education then became a warrior in Athens.
And like the sophists Socrates directs attention to humans as objects of philosophical thought. Socrates with his philosophical thinking in investigating as a whole. That is by valuing physical and spiritual values.
C. Plato
Plato was a devout followes of Socrates among his followers who had a great influence. Plato was also know as a famous writer,his writing was so large that information about him and could be obtained sufficiently.
And Plato thoughts about God include:
a. Humans have a God as their creator
b. God knows everything's that humans do
c. God can only be know in a negative way no serves, no children