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Literary Works during The Islamic Empire in Spain

Diperbarui: 2 September 2023   15:19

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

The Initial Emergence of Islamic Literature in Spain

Literature's evolution will always be influenced by its history. First off, most of us are aware of the term "Al-Andalus," which refers to the area of the Iberian peninsula that was dominated by Muslims or Moors between 711 and 1492, in this instance Spain and Portugal. There is uncertainty over the name Al-Andalus' derivation.
The Battle of Guadalete marked the beginning of Islamic dominance in Iberia when Tariq bin Ziyad's Umayyad forces overcame the Visigoths who had previously governed the region. Al-Andalus was once a province of the Umayyad Caliphate. It then developed into an emirate, a caliphate unto itself, and ultimately broke up into minor kingdoms known as "taifa" as well as "Muluk ath-Thawaif" in Arabic (1031-1492).
Science was one of the accomplishments made under the Islamic Empire in Andalusia, Spain. According to certain historians, Baghdad's eastern sector and its surrounding areas served as the starting point for scientific research that was later conducted in western Spain and its surrounds.
The fact that ibn Jubair, a traveler from Spain, was astonished by the events that he observed in the East, demonstrates this situation. There are a lot of schools and crops grown by waqf organizations.

The Entry Period of Islamic Literature

- Daulah Umayyah, Damascus

As-Saffah declared the establishment of the Abbasid Daula, a new Islamic kingdom, in 132 AH after assassinating Daulah Umayyah's caliph, governor, and all of his faithful allies. Additionally, Omar Bin Abdul Aziz was the only Umayyah caliph who didn't have his bones burned by As-Saffah.

- Mulukut Thawaif Period

The caliphs of this time, which was followed by the second phase, known as the Mulukut Thawaif period, were preoccupied by the scientific and literary worlds to the point that they had an economic crisis.
However, Andalusian Arabs were faced with constant incursions from Christian Spain as well as a number of rebellions that reduced the caliphs' authority. The growing fields of science and literature are unfavorably linked to this challenging life.

The split regions under the reigns of the Murabithin and Muwachchidin Daulah: 

Andalusia was divided into many provinces during the rule of the Murabithin Daula and the Muwachchidin, including little kingdoms like Daulah Murabithin and Daulah Muwachchidin.
Poetry and prose from the Mulkut-Thawif period, which was focused on Masyriq literature, continued to be used during the Murabithin Daulah period. This is mostly due to Murabithin Daula's standard lack of proficiency in Arabic. The creation of an Islamic empire is the ruler's primary goal.

The Muwachchidin Daulah period was a golden era of writing, in contrast with the Muwachchidin Daulah period. Many old or modern sciences have been documented. These authors published works on the scholarly subjects of the Qur'an, Hadith, and law. Similar to As-Syathib, who is well-known for his poetry, Hirzul-Amn wa Wajhut-Tahn, which has 1173 stanzas, and Ibnu Abdil Barr. Ibn Thufail and Ibn Rushd also emerged in the Sufi and philosophical worlds. The ruler of the period, Sultan Ya'qub Al-Mansur, had an immense passion for philosophy.

Important Figures & Literary Works

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