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Sensasi Parkir Sepeda di Grand Hotel Indonesia East Mall / Sensation park yours bicycle to East Mall Grand Indonesia

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   06:20

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going down enter basement You could find a good adventure feel a deep sensation by park yours bicycle to Grand Indonesia East Mall. Just follow mark bicycle line by enter gate parking bicycle from east mall gate. You could enjoy a little adventure from yours journey before you could finish yours bicycle park. It is good interest to free teach you make a little education for make bike to shop or bike to work or bike to fun and always simple way. Only story from DennyCode on April 21st, 2012 first try to park bicycle of mine in east mall Grand Hotel Indonesia

going down enter basement

Asyiknya dapet Sensasi Parkir Sepeda parkir sepeda di Grand Hotel Indonesia

Hai teman-teman ada berita bagus bisa parkir sepedamu ke Grand Hotel Indonesia (deket bunderan HI), tempatnya bagus dan aman untuk belanja naik sepeda. Harus masuk lewat pintu East Mall Grand Hotel Indonesia trus tinggal ikuti saja tanda "bike line" hingga masuk ke tempat parkir sepeda, DennyCode udah coba pertama kali parkir sepeda di Grand Hotel Indonesia tanggal 21 April 2012 jam 11.30 WIB, asyik deh ....Bisa dicoba untuk memasyarakatkan sepeda dan mensepedakan masyarakat.


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