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My Expectation in New Normal

Diperbarui: 1 Juli 2020   07:15

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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona


Hello everybodi my name is Satria Sinambela, I am  student of managemen,study program sekolah tinggi akuntansi dan manajemen indonesia(STAMI) pematang siantar. this time, my point is about "MY EXPECTATION  IN NEW NORMAL".

In the new normal, what I would do are:

  • First

If new normal is implemented, the first thing I will do, of course, meet and chat with family and friends. Aftemonths of only being able to chat or video calls, exchanging greetings in the real world would have to be the thing you've been waiting for.

  • Second

I will return to Siantar to see the boarding situation and I return to look for work because for three months it was laid off, I was very bored

  • Thirt 

I will do some activities, one of which is to walk with family to enjoy nature because during this  pandemic it is quite stressful at home.

  • The last

In essence, I want to immediately carry out activities that keep me alive and sane despite the new normal appendages. Any novelty that initially feels strange will become common if we start to adapt. Perhaps the wisdom of this pandemic is to remind us how important it is to maintain health and cleanliness in the midst of any condition. New normal should not be a scourge but hope that we can continue to live whether or not there is a pandemic.


For younger siblings who have just graduated from school, please register yourself at our campus which is the high school of accounting and management Indonesia (STAMI) pematang siantar

I tell you why you should join our campus ..

1.stami there are two majors namely accounting (S1) and management (S1)

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