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Translation of “Animal Rescue Children from Merapi Slope”

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:07

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Original Paper Wrote By: Elanto Wijoyono, 28 Dec 2010 They screamed with joy when some long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are clustered on a ridge upstream Woro time that fighting over bananas being thrown into the edge of thickets. Monday (27/12), most trees and shrubs there is still berona gray or brown due to burns as a result of the eruption of Merapi Volcano in early November 2010. Volcanic ash is not too thick blanket was swept away by the rain quite often come down during the last few weeks. Cheerfulness children Deles Hamlet, the highest village in southeastern slopes of Merapi Volcano became gloomy shades of other colors reversed on wildlife habitat Merapi which has been so close to the settlements. Behind the face-happy face was no hope of trying to be nurtured by local residents for their children.

Guava tree planting activities by the group Children’s Environmental Lovers (BUTTONS) Hamlet Deles in January 2010. Doc. Lintas Merapi FM Return Home to Village Home Page Hamlet in the Village Deles and Petung Sidorejo, Kemalang, Klaten, Central Java is one of the last group of refugees who return home. Residents of other Klaten surviving in refugee camps are citizens of the two hamlets Balerante Village neighborhood were severely damaged by the direct brunt of the hot cloud. Only about 4-5 kilometers from the summit of Merapi to make a number of 521 residents of two hamlets soul (or administratively as the Pillars of Citizens / RW) is opted to stay in refugee camps in the village self-supporting bunch, Kemalang, Klaten until things felt safe. They’ve moved back together when the status of Awas Merapi has been lowered to Alert on Friday, December 3, 2010 morning. Sunday morning, December 5, 2010, the trucks belonging to both back and forth from the field to bunch Village Deles bring all citizens to return home, more than five miles away. Ahead of the afternoon, all citizens and goods originally arranged neatly in 57 family tents in the field has been in the village’s top spot. Although the situation is still not enough houses arranged for not taken care of for 25 days, but the state of the village is quite clean. Since residents Sidorejo still displaced at the Village Hall in District Ngawen Manjung, Klaten in November last, gradually turns to see the village youth to keep their village resident assets and simultaneously begin to clean the environment. A week before the residents come home _ which also includes all children and parents _ mothers also took turns to see the village to clean their homes. So, when all citizens home, settlements on the slopes of active volcanoes that are feasible and convenient to live again. Some local residents have children who already had turned his hometown since they were still displaced in the village of Manjung. Physically, they are not neighborhoods hamlets were damaged by hot clouds glide. However, some residents of farmland and forests destroyed by fire. Hundreds of guava trees planted there were also destroyed. Children are very sad to see that reality because they are planting guava trees in early January 2010. There are about 3000 guava trees planted by children who are members of the Village Sidorejo Children Lovers Group Environment (BUTTONS). They plant a guava tree in the hope that someday there is a source of food for long-tailed monkeys that live on the slopes of Merapi. It is expected the monkeys did not go ballistic to the fields and neighborhoods due to the depletion of existing food availability in nature. So far, the species is already feeling quite close to human life that inhabit the slopes of volcanoes there. However, the friction that occurs between them and humans do not actually lead to problems. Attention Citizens for the “Citizens” Merapi Eruptions that have occurred since the end of October to November 2010 was not simply give effect to human beings who inhabit the slopes of Merapi. There are other affected residents, the herd of wild animals, both of which had been living apart in the jungles or to coexist with residents in the village limits. Sukiman, a character who is also coordinator of citizens Deles Lintas Merapi Community Radio FM tells us that there are two large groups of long-tailed macaques living around the village. One group who live in the forest were destroyed when the number is staying the 50’s tail. Meanwhile, a group of others who lived in the forest below are not affected by the eruption. They number about 200 birds. Interestingly, after the eruption and left displaced residents, groups of monkeys that did not disturb residents gardens. They do not also get into the house, but remained in the forests. This behavior is very different when compared with long-tailed macaque behavior prior to eruption; disruptive residents gardens. Why did it happen? According Sukiman, it is understood that the mammal fauna themselves noticed by humans when the circumstances change difficult. ”There’s sort of award from the apes that,” he said. How not; day after displaced on November 5, 2010 in the Village Keputran, residents still see the condition of the village and attempt to feed the wildlife that live around the village. Residents buy guava and cucumber in the Flower Market, Kemalang own expense and took it to Deles to be given to monkeys. In fact, when the refugees get a shipment of guava from donor origin Waterford, guava was immediately taken up into Deles to be given to monkeys. In fact, guava aid was originally intended for the consumption of the refugees. Actions based on a love of animals that had lived side by side with the citizens remained citizens continued despite the supply of funds to buy fruit thinning. Information needs of food for animals was disseminated through Jalin Merapi; a network of information management at the rim of Merapi is jointly managed by community groups. Cross-FM Community Radio Merapi is one of the founders along with two community radio stations, namely K FM in Shaman, Magelang and MMC FM in Selo, Boyolali in the year 2006. Provision of emergency food in the form of fruits for long-tailed macaque in the region by a team of Volunteer Wildlife Ground in November 2010. Doc. Daniek Hendarto. Tit for tat! The request was heard by the working group calling itself the wildlife volunteers. Combined Team Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), Animal Friends Jogja (AFJ), and the Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP) is fed to the long-tailed macaques in the Ground and some other parts of the slopes of Merapi, every morning for about a month old. On December 2, 2010, a small team of volunteers bring the animals up to Deles help sweet potatoes, bengkoang, carrots, and peanuts as food for the apes is guided by two activists FM Community Radio Lintas Merapi _ Mujiran “Boncel” and Paiman “Corporal” Doto Parsono. According to team member Volunteer Wildlife Ketut Sutawijaya, state Deles monkeys at the same time as the monkeys on the slopes of Merapi other. They starve the weight. Although today they are fed, but should not always be fed so as not accustomed to and depend on humans. In addition, Ketut and his team saw that there are still some parts of the forest around Deles that are still green, so that the monkeys were still able to feed themselves. After the mission, the team of volunteers assist in the provision of wildlife only fruits, like bananas, which are managed by people as food Deles ape. The threat of Merapi Ecosystem Sustainability Damage to wildlife habitat conditions post-eruption was further aggravate the challenges of natural life on the slopes of Merapi. Before the eruption there was some land has been damaged by excessive sand mining and wildlife poaching. Post-eruption, wildlife threatened with extinction because of habitat destruction and lack of food. In addition, the threat of being arrested by the community remains high. In fact, some animals choose to leave their habitat and down looking for a safe place, including close to homes, to shelter and get food. When the presence of “citizen” Merapi is not addressed wisely by the humans living around Merapi then there is the conflict between wildlife and humans. It happened in several areas on the slopes of Merapi, as in the Krinjing, Shaman, Magelang, Central Java. In animal volunteer team records contained in the blog, the conflict here began when the trees are a source of feed animals felled by sand mining activities along the Kali Senowo. Loss of natural food sources, species of long-tailed macaque is also down to the fields and gardens residents to find food. As a result, residents annoyed and considered them as pests. The solution used is shooting the monkeys that eat plants or fruit in the garden residents. There was no rescue effort of nature with a maturity longer and sustained by an ape habitats replant with trees that produce food for them. Exemplary Children for the Future Concerns Deles children because of damage and death of guava trees they planted, so it could be a source of food for the monkeys that live in the forests surrounding their villages bring inspiration to the adult citizens to act. Interwoven communications made through the Information Network Circle Merapi (Jalin Merapi) helped the residents’ attempt to collect donations of fruit to feed the monkeys. Sukiman explained that feeding the fruit is short-term agenda. The long-term agenda is to go back to raising aid for the supply of fruit tree seedlings to be planted back on the slopes of Merapi, which is now bare or damaged. Of course, these steps will still be mengendepankan role of children’s activists Buttons are numbered 58 children. ”Early on we educate children to think of apes as a friend, not a threat,” he said Sukiman, “Monkeys do not kill, let them live by helping provide food, such as by planting guava.” It is true that children in Deles directly adjacent to the forest of Merapi was not afraid to coexist with wildlife. They also know that wild animals should not be treated carelessly. Village children were well aware that long-tailed macaques should not be fed with human food, like bread or crackers, because it will make the monkeys will be getting used to and dependent on human food. The result would be fatal, as happened in thearea of Kaliurang, Sleman, long-tailed monkeys became so aggressive, likes to snatch food from the hands of visitors to tourist areas there. Caused the monkeys is the result of their often fed by humans with human food, so no longer able to feed themselves. When the area was abandoned for the displaced, the monkeys there even looted the contents of the food stalls to get people to eat. Deles and surrounding residents do not want a similar incident occurred in which they live. Hope and encouragement, it has disseminated to other groups of citizens who live on the slopes of Merapi Merapi through Rim Information Network run by adult citizens. Early on, the children there have been equipped with an understanding of wildlife conservation and rescue of the good and true. In addition to supporting the preservation of the natural food chain in the ecosystem, the existence of wildlife there can also help act as an “early warning system” for residents. Behavior of wildlife can be a marker of the natural fluctuation that should be readable citizens to be addressed. Many lessons to be learned from this experience the circuit. Acting wise the right will become a role model for children on the slopes of Merapi. Original Article written in Bahasa Indonesia by Elanto Wijoyono, relawan informasi JALIN MERAPI di Yogyakarta ( Translated with:|en|

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