(Pavo muticus)
Threats: Peafowls face threats from habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict, which can impact their populations and survival in the wild.
Distribution: Peafowls are primarily distributed in South Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, and parts of Southeast Asia, with the Indian Peafowl also introduced to various other regions around the world
Habitat: Their habitat is in tropical regions and the wild
Diet/Feeding: Seeds, fruit, frogs, rodents, insects, and even the ability to hunt snakes
Social behaviour: Defense behavior, group living patterns, and communication behavior
Males and females: The male has very long and conspicuous tail feathers, while the female has simpler plumage and does not have such long tail feathers.
Lifespan: They can live around 15-20 years in captivity, while in the wild, they can live about 10-15 years