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Ruby Astari

Penulis, penerjemah, pengajar Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, pembaca, dan pemikir kritis.

"Your Sick Cycle Carousel"

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   02:12

Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

Aren’t you bored

talking about the same old issues

over and over?

There are lots of other things going on this world.

Don’t try to choke me.

Your guilt trip is unnecessary.

I’m not responsible

for sad feelings you can’t always handle.

I’m mentally-drained.

Sometimes we all have to deal with the pain.

But I no longer wish to play this game.

I don’t even care if you feel I’m to blame.

Aren’t you sick and tired?

Well, I’m jaded.

I bet they’re all fed up too.

Either way, we can never win with you.

Go on, have it your way.

There are no more words left to say.

Maybe you’re right; perhaps it’s true.

Being there has never really been good enough.

You can say we never truly care about you.

I need to breathe.

I need to live.

I need to feel free.

Something’s got to give.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done

or where you’ve been.

You’ve been dwelling in your own misery too long

that – to others - you’re just being enviously mean.

I choose to be happy.

You can no longer affect me.

You have no rights to make me feel guilty.


(Jakarta, 1/2/2014 – 3:34 pm)


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