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Ratu Boko, the Mezmerizing Stone Palace

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   18:39

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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

[caption id="attachment_47797" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Wikipedia"][/caption] It is the ancient complex situated three kilometers from Prambanan temple on Dawung village, Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Sleman. Kraton Ratu Boko, in local language, provides visitors with a perfect combination of awesome architecture and vantage point overlooking splendid landscape. To reach the temple, visitors must drive 15 kilometers east from downtown of Yogyakarta to Prambanan. Upon reaching Prambanan T-junction, turn right and drive straight to the south for another two kilometers. The location is also accesible from Piyungan junction of jalan Wonosari. According to research conducted by FDK Bosch, Dutch Government began the effort to restore Ratu Boko site in 1938. Seven years after independence, Indonesia government took over the restoration. After an exhausting effort, Ratu Boko Temple finally opened for public on 10 April l997. Ratu Boko was a Buddhist temple built around 792 AD, presumably during the reign of Rakai Panangkaran. However, Hindu-related ornaments are also visible within the compound. Among them are pair of Lingga and Yoni as well as the statue of Durgha and Ganesha. From a transcription found on the area, this compound was officially named Abhayagiri Vihara, means a peaceful monastery on the hill. Keraton Ratu Boko is used by people on the area to refer to the temple. It was the name losely related to the folklor about the existence of Rara Jonggrang statue on the neighboring Prambanan Temple. [caption id="attachment_47798" align="alignright" width="300" caption=""][/caption] Ratu Boko lies on the altitude of 195 m from sea level on top of hill. This temple complex covers an area of 16 hectare. Some archaeologists divided the temple complex into four part, southeastern, western, central, and eastern parts. The southeastern part consists of a Pendopo, Balai-balai (leveled floor), three temples, pool, and Keputren (part designated only for princess) part. Cave complex, Buddhist Stupa, and a pool comprises the eastern part. The central part consists of main gate, square, cremation temple, leveled stone, and Paseban. Meanwhile, the western part mainly consists of hilly terrain. It was only after the devastating earthquake in 2006 that it's charm slowly glows in Yogyakarta tourism. Its unique characteristic lies on the location combined with fascinating landscape view from the compound. While enjoying ancient architecture, the height leads you to open space presenting mezmerizing sight to all direction. To the north, Mount Merapi offers bluish background for the clearly-visible-from-above Prambanan Temple complex. The scenic view of Klaten, the smaller town right next to Yogyakarta lies to the east. Limestone hills of Pegunungan Kapur Selatan spans to the south while rare view of Yogyakarta from top can be enjoyed when facing west. All this drama of nature reaches its climax when the sun touching horizon to the weast. The available alternative to enjoy Ratu Boko is trekking and camping adventure. There are two available track with different length for Cultural Trekking package. Both pass peak of Tugel/ Pegat hill, from which visitors can see the mountains of Sumbing, Sindoro, Merbabu, Merapi span on the horizon from north to the east. Along these tracks, visitors can also see smaller temples, such as Banyunibo, Barong, Ijo. Also published here


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