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Rizky Karo Karo

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Energy and the Environment Have Relationship

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   00:29

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Nature. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

Energy and the environment have interrelations. Energy is sourced from the good environmental from a thousand years ago. People need energy to survive, and work to get money.

Petroleum is one of form energy in the world. Petroleum is not renewable energy, petroleum will be exhausted. Petroleum is used to fuel of transportation, to cook something, etc. But, nowdays, people in the world has been increasing, it means, consumption of petroleum is growing up too. People must try hard to get petroleum, and the environment can be damaged due to exploration and exploitation process.

The country that have oilfield will not worry about petroleum reservation. But, dependency state towards import of petroleum, the citizen will have difficult live and disturb productivity if the prize of petroleum is increasing.

A new invention, ecofriendly technology is needed to decrease petroleum consumption. But, if the country can’t discover alternative energy to transportation fuel, income of country, or Profit Company will be reduced.

Therefore, The Government must start to research to get alternative energy which ecofriendly, environment friendly. One of a new material is human feces. Feces can be used to be alternative energy, and has good hydrogen. Usage of feces is used in form of bio-gas which produces methane gas thru fermentation process. So, feces can use to replace petroleum function, and we can get it easily whereas the population of people is increasing every day.

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