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Struggle to Get Happiness in the Pursuit of Happyness Novel by Chris Gardner : Individual Psychological Study

Diperbarui: 16 Januari 2022   17:08

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Novel. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Fotografierende

Author : 

  • Susan Widianingsih (A320180243)
  • Anisa Gita Cahyaningtyas (A320180255)
  • Rembulan Arso Kusuma (A320180256)
  • Risda Rohmatul Kasanah (A320180261)
  • Marwa Salsabila (A320180262)

Many people try to find a way to get happiness. Everyone's goal and hope is happiness. Happiness is frequently considered the meaning and purpose of life, as well as the reason for our being. Despite this, many are afflicted by sadness and other chronic unpleasant emotions such as tension and anxiety. People can see struggle not only in real life but also in fiction, such as a novel or a movie. One example novel is The Pursuit of Happyness novel. The Pursuit of Happyness is a novel biography written by Chris Gardner that was Originally published on May 23, 2006. The Pursuit of Happyness tells about the struggle of a father to get happiness. Chris Gardner, a San Francisco salesperson attempting to build a future for himself and his son, Christopher. Chris is left to raise Christopher on his own after his girlfriend Linda walks out. Chris' perseverance pays off when he is offered an unpaid internship in a very competitive stockbroker-training program, where only one out of every twenty interns is chosen. Chris and his kid, however, are evicted from their flat due to a lack of income and are forced to sleep on the streets, in homeless shelters, and even behind the locked doors of a metro station restroom. After 6 months of the training program, Gardner was selected to work at Dean Witter. To achieve his success, Gardner has to struggle so that he finally gets what he wants and it makes him happy. The writer is interested in studying this novel for three reasons. The first is that it is realistic. The second reason is that it has a conflicting value. Third, the pursuit of happiness, which becomes the novels' main issue, is well-reflected. The researcher is interested to examine the main character (Chris Gardner) using an individual psychological approach. This paper used an individual psychological approach to examine the novel. It looked into a theory that connected to the problem in the movie, which was Chris Gardner's effort to find happiness. Individual psychology theory proposed by Alfred Adler was utilized to analyze Chris Gardner's struggle for happiness. The application of Alfred Adler's theory because it reflects the state of a person who has a goal and is working to achieve it. The problem statement of this paper is "How does Chris Gardner struggle to get happiness?" In response to the problem statement above, the study's goals are to examine the movie based on the individual psychological approach. The writer employs an individual psychological approach to examine this novel because the plot is around achieving happiness, which is linked to a psychological issue. Chris Gardner talks about how he has been pursuing happiness for years and how he eventually achieves what he wants by doing what he has to do. It has to do with his mental problem and his goals and needs. By doing so, the author establishes the title: Struggle to Get Happiness in The Pursuit of Happyness Novel: An Individual Psychological Study. Based on the study, it was discovered that Chris Gardner's struggles to achieve happiness in The Pursuit of Happyness, as examined by Alfred Adler's individual psychology, are as follows:

1. Fictional finalism

Chris Gardner has a number of fictional goals, like being a competent stockbroker after seeing a red-Ferrari man who works as a stockbroker. When Chris Gardner spotted that man, he was taken aback for a moment. He was astonished as to how he managed to accomplish this achievement. Chris aspires to be like him, who made $80,000 in a month while wearing a perfect-tailor suit and living in elegance. Chris aspires to be a stockbroker like that man, and after hearing his explanation, he believes he is capable of doing so. Chris Gardner created his fictional goal of becoming a stockbroker just after seeing that man, and he also had little knowledge of how stockbrokers work. As a result, he is certain that he wants to be a stockbroker and believes that he is capable of doing so. Individuals with fictional goals would develop dogma behavior in order to achieve their objectives no matter what. Chris Gardner develops his dogmatic behaviour because he has lofty goals that he must fulfill with all of his ability. Despite the fact that all of the goals are tough to attain and the path to achieving them is difficult, Chris continues to create the dogma because he needs to achieve them and make all of the people he cares about proud.

2. Striving for superiority

Chris Gardner only requires a small trigger to awaken the superiority that lives within him, as well as some encouragement from someone he truly loves. He completed everything that needed to be completed in order for him to become the person he truly desires. Chris feels that if he dared to try everything and succeeded, superiority would come to him naturally. He is determined to show his son that his father can be a successful person and a source of inspiration for him. Chris Gardner's hard effort is triggered or motivated by his hope and his lovely son. Finally, Chris Gardner was able to become a successful stockbroker and put an end to his financial difficulties. Chris Gardner also makes an attempt to assert his superiority to his wife, Linda. He no longer wants to be floored by his wife. Gardner must fight back; he wants his wife to feel that he is capable of fulfilling that duty and being a good parent to their child. Gardner covers his weakness by demonstrating his superiority, despite the fact that he had to make excuses. Excuses are also forms of superiority.

3. Inferiority feelings and compensation

Adler's idea of inferiority is the inability to solve problems or carry out responsibilities in his life. According to Adler's statement, Chris Gardner had so many troubles that he didn't finish it properly. All of this made Chris feel inferior, but he did not let his feelings of inferiority rule his life and cause him to develop an inferior complex, which led him to believe that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to achieve his goals. It did not happen to Chris Gardner because he fought his emotions of inferiority and, rather than giving up, he worked extremely hard and took advantage of the possibilities that he was given.

4. Social interest

Chris wants to show his son that he truly loves him and that no one can take him away. He aspires to be a true role model for Christopher, his son. Gardner keeps a high level of social interaction with others in order to maintain and grow his medical device sales company. Despite the fact that Chris Gardner has a high level of social interest, he still needs to contend with superiority. That social interest may offer him  new obligations, such as the need to be a successful parent for his kid, as well as the need to obtain the career that would provide him with fresh hope which is becoming a stockbroker.

5. Style of life

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